Catholic World News

Miami archbishop criticizes Biden’s ‘ineptness’ on immigration, says border walls should have doors

February 12, 2025

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CWN Editor's Note: In a diocesan newspaper column, Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami said that the US bishops recognize that “national sovereignty affords nations the right to control their borders. We have never advocated for ‘open borders’ or that ‘bad actors’ should be admitted indiscriminately or that wrong doers of any type be free to roam our streets and endanger our citizens.”

“The apparent ineptness of the Biden Administration seemingly precipitated an unprecedented spike in irregular migration,” he continued.

As he called for immigration reform, Archbishop Wenski added:

Border “walls” should also have “doors” that would permit the flow of legal immigrants. Those same Catholic teachings that recognize that nations have a right to control their borders also urge that richer nations be generous in admitting those fleeing persecution or seeking conditions worthy of human life.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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