Catholic World News

Top investigator confirms suppression of Peruvian lay movement, SCV

February 03, 2025

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CWN Editor's Note: Msgr. Jordi Bertomeu, the Spanish priest who led the investigation of the Sodality for Christian Life (SCV), officially announced the suppression of that movement during a Mass in Lima, Peru, on February 2.

The leaders of the SCV also issued a final statement acknowledging the decision by Pope Francis to dissolve the movement, which had been founded in 1971 by the Peruvian layman Luis Figari. Msgr. Bertomeu said that the decision had been made because the Vatican found that the movement did not have an appropriate founding charism.

Reports that the SCV would be suppressed had circulated in mid-January, with the Vatican confirming the reports, but without any official announcement of the move.

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