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Papal call for release of hostages, aid for polio outbreak in Gaza

September 02, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis has renewed his call for peace in the Holy Land.

“I once again turn my thoughts with concern to the conflict in Palestine and Israel, which risks spreading to other Palestinian cities,” the Pope said on September 1. “I appeal for the negotiations to continue and for an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages, and relief to the people of Gaza, where many diseases are also spreading, such as poliomyelitis.”

The Pope added:

May there be peace in the Holy Land, may there be peace in Jerusalem! May the Holy City be a place of encounter where Christians, Jews and Muslims feel they are respected and welcomed, and no one questions the Status Quo in the respective Holy Places.

The Status Quo, to which the Pope referred, is the centuries-old arrangement concerning responsibility for holy sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

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