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Italian bishop, praised by Pope Francis, denies abuse cover-up

July 30, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: An Italian bishop who was singled out for praise by Pope Francis has denied covering up abuse, in spite of a court ruling that charged him with “facilitating the predatory activity of a priest who had already been reported.”

Bishop Rosario Gisana of Piazza Armerina told La Stampa that he had “not ‘facilitated the predatory activity’ of anyone.” The court’s charge against him—the most direct finding of an Italian court against a diocesan leader—was based largely on a recorded conversation in which Bishop Gisana said that the had “buried” the charges against an accused priest—who was later convicted of abuse.

Last November, in a talk to a visiting group from Sicily, Pope Francis said that Bishop Gisana had been “persecuted, slandered, yet he stood firm.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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