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Catholic World News

Ukrainian Catholic priests held in Russian labor camp?

June 06, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Two priests of the Ukrainian Catholic Church who have been missing since November 2022 may now be held in a Russian labor camp in occupied Ukraine, according to an expert on religious freedom.

Felix Corley of Forum 18 suggests that Fathers Ivan Levitsky and Bohdan Geleta, who disappeared after Russian troops took control of the region where they had served, were now in a labor camp in Donetsk. Corley reported that a Russian official had proposed an exchange of prisoners, offering to release two Catholic priests in exchange for two Orthodox priests. The Catholic priests were not named, but were probably Fathers Levitsky and Geleta, Corley believes. “This is the closest I think we’ve come to actually confirming at least where they are,” he said.

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