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Vatican newspaper laments plight of indigenous people threatened by rising sea levels

June 05, 2024

» Continue to this story on L'Osservatore Romano (Italian)

CWN Editor's Note: The Vatican newspaper devoted the most prominent front-page coverage in its June 4 edition to the Panamanian government’s evacuation of 300 indigenous Guna families from an island threatened by rising sea levels.

“Theirs is another face of migration: there are no wars that force these people to abandon their homes and life’s belongings, but the devastating effects of climate change, the sea that advances inexorably,” according to the unsigned article.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: feedback - Jun. 05, 2024 8:57 AM ET USA

    I would recommend clicking the second link in the text and see the picture of the island. It's not exactly Obama's waterfront property in Martha's Vineyard, and the people may have other, than fear of "climate change," reasons to want to move away. I wonder if the editors of L'Osservatore Romano saw that picture before writing about it?