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Cardinal Zuppi, papal peace envoy, says his mission continues

June 05, 2024

» Continue to this story on TASS

CWN Editor's Note: Cardinal Matteo Zuppi of Bologna, the president of the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Pope’s special peace envoy to Russia and Ukraine, told the Russian news agency TASS that his “mission continues, particularly at the humanitarian level.”

“In particular, the Holy See can facilitate the reunification of minors with their families, as well as prisoner swaps and the exchange of information that could be useful to families,” he continued. “If necessary, I am ready to make more trips to Moscow and Kiev but there are no such plans at this point.”

The Vatican newspaper reported that Cardinal Zuppi expressed hope that diplomatic progress will be made at the upcoming peace summit in Switzerland, which Russia is not attending. The prelate also warned against an escalation in the conflict, days after President Joe Biden permitted Ukraine to attack targets in Russia using US weapons.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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