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Catholic World News

‘Stronger than the difficulties’: Vatican newspaper hails disabled migrant attempting to enter US

May 29, 2024

» Continue to this story on L'Osservatore Romano (Italian)

CWN Editor's Note: The Vatican newspaper devoted the most prominent front-page coverage in its May 28 edition to Jorge Briseño, a Venezuelan migrant who, “despite having only one leg, laboriously walked with crutches for thousands of kilometers to reach the northern border of Mexico after leaving his country four months ago.”

“From a symbol of difficulty and pain to a message of hope,” reporter Francesco Citterich began. “With one goal: to give courage to those in the same conditions as him.”

“Now Briseño is in Ciudad Juárez (Mexico), looking for a way to cross the barbed wire barricade erected by Texas and thus enter the United States in search of a prosthesis and a job,” he continued. “Jorge’s vicissitude reflects the drama of the flight of thousands of people to Mexico.”

In reporting on Briseño, Citterich appeared to rely heavily on a May 12 report by the Spanish news agency EFE.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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