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Catholic World News

Italian priest slain by Fascists is beatified as martyr

May 27, 2024

» Continue to this story on Diocesi di Novara

CWN Editor's Note: Father Giuseppe Rossi (1912-1945), parish priest of the small Italian mountain town of Calasca-Castiglione, was beatified as a martyr in Novara Cathedral on May 26.

Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, presided at the beatification Mass and preached the Italian-language homily.

Father Rossi was slain by members of the Fascist Black Brigades on February 26, 1945, less than three months before the end of World War II in Europe.

“After being forced to dig his own grave with his bare hands, he was repeatedly beaten, hit on the head with a 7-kilogram boulder, which caused his skull to be smashed, then finished with a stab wound and a gunshot,” according to the Dicastery.

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