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Progressive Judaism leaders meet with Pope Francis, ask for prayer for release of hostages

May 16, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis received a delegation from the World Union for Progressive Judaism in a May 15 audience.

Rabbi Sergio Bergman, the World Union’s president, “commenced the audience with heartfelt personal greetings to his dear friend of more than 25 years, Pope Francis,” the organization stated. Rabbi Bergman discussed his organization’s work and “also shared his thoughts with the Pontiff on the current situation in Israel, expressing the World Union’s hope for collaborative efforts toward the immediate release of all hostages, and his reflections on the War in Ukraine.”

“The Pope talked about how important it is to meet with groups of all faiths in the name of brotherhood,” the organization’s statement continued. “He added how grateful he is to meet an old friend here in Rome and his hope for better days as we work together for unity and peace. Pope Francis personally greeted every delegation member.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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