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Leading Polish prelate accused of negligence in addressing abuse

May 15, 2024

» Continue to this story on Notes from Poland

CWN Editor's Note: The editor-in-chief of Więź, a Polish Catholic journal cofounded in 1958 by a future prime minister, has published an article accusing Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda of Gdańsk of negligence in addressing abuse.

The prelate became president of the episcopal conference in March.

“Wojda is accused of failing to properly respond to reports made in 2021 by two women who said they had been sexually abused as teenagers by a priest working in the Gdańsk archdiocese,” Notes from Poland reported. In one case, Wodja reportedly stated that the incident did not involve sexual abuse because “it was just groping.”

An archdiocesan spokesman said that the journalist has only a “fragmentary knowledge about the case” and “distorts the image of the entire canonical process and harms all its participants, including the injured parties. It should be emphasized that the canonical process is still ongoing,”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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