Catholic Culture Solidarity
Catholic Culture Solidarity
Catholic World News

Report: Burkina Faso’s military executed Christians in 2 villages

May 15, 2024

» Continue to this story on Fides

CWN Editor's Note: On May 6, members of Burkina Faso’s military, along with paramilitary volunteers, took part in the execution of 21 people in Moualoungou and 130 people in Tambi Bounima, according to Fides, the news agency of the Pontifical Mission Societies.

“Pregnant women, men, children and passers-by, were executed without cause by the military convoy that set off,” Fides reported. “They are poor, farmers, almost all of them Christians.”

“The farmers, held hostage by the demand for a per-person ‘tax,’ conversion to jihadist armed groups or the exodus, without anything, are hiding in the bush or seeking refuge and safety across the border,” the report continued.

Burkina Faso, a West African nation of 22.5 million (map), is 57% Muslim, 23% Christian (15% Catholic), and 19% ethnic religionist. A jihadist insurgency began there in 2015, and the military assumed power in a 2022 coup.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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