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Step by step, Jesus leads us to heaven, Pope tells pilgrims

May 13, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Christ is like a mountain climber who, through His Ascension, leads His Body, the Church, to heaven, Pope Francis said during his Regina Caeli address on May 12.

“Step by step, one rung at a time, Jesus shows us the way” by His word and the grace of the sacraments, the Pope said to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “What are these steps that must be taken? ... To perform the works of love: to give life, bring hope, steer away from any form of wickedness and meanness, respond to evil with good, be close to those who suffer.”

The Pope continued, “And so we can ask ourselves: is the desire for God, the desire for His infinite love, for His life that is eternal life, alive in me? Or am I a bit dulled and anchored to passing things, or money, or success, or pleasure? And does my desire for Heaven isolate me, does it seal me off, or does it lead me to love my brothers and sisters with a big and selfless heart, to feel that they are my companions on the journey towards Paradise?”

“May Mary, she who has already arrived at the destination, help us to walk together with joy towards the glory of Heaven,” the Pope concluded.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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