Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic World News

Pope encourages Hungarians to follow St. Elizabeth’s example and ‘speak the language of charity’

May 01, 2023

On April 29, the second day of his apostolic journey to Hungary, Pope Francis visited the children of the Blessed László Batthyány-Strattmann Institute and met with poor people and refugees in St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Budapest.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207-1231), a widowed mother, is renowned for her charity to the poor, and is patroness of Franciscan tertiaries and of Catholic charities.

“Brothers and sisters, I encourage you always to speak the language of charity,” Pope Francis said. “The statue in this square represents the most famous miracle of Saint Elizabeth: we are told that the Lord once turned the loaves of bread she was carrying to the needy into so many roses.”

The Pope added:

This is also the case for you: whenever you strive to offer bread to the hungry, the Lord makes joy blossom within you and infuses your life with the fragrance of the gift of love that you give. Brothers and sisters, my hope and prayer, then, is that you will always spread the fragrance of charity in the Church and in your country.


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