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Catholic Culture Resources

Library Collection: "Pope John Paul II"

This collection represents all of the writings of our late pope that are available in our database. This includes all letters, homilies, audiences, and official documents encyclicals.

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October 29, 1944 What Would the World be, Ancient and Modern, without Consecrated Life?
November 20, 1966 Democracy Without Values Threatens Peace
October 22, 1978 In The Beginning: John Paul II's First Homily
October 26, 1978 Pope John Paul II's First Urbi et orbi Message
November  1978 Virtue Of Temperance, The
November 2, 1978 Pope John Paul II's Homily at the Mass Beginning His Pastoral Ministry
January 28, 1979 Pope John Paul II Opening Address at the Puebla Conference
March 4, 1979 Redemptoris Hominis (On Redemption and the Dignity of Man)
April 15, 1979 On Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (Sapientia Christiana)
April 25, 1979 Scripturarum Thesaurus
May 14, 1979 The Dignity of Woman and Her Mission
May 14, 1979 Scripturarum Thesaurus
May 28, 1979 Ardent Prayer: a Fervent Cry for Peace and Reconciliation
October 16, 1979 On Catechesis in Our Time (Catechesi Tradendae)
November 5, 1979 Let Us Celebrate Life!
December 19, 1979 Fullness Of Interpersonal Communication, The
February 24, 1980 On the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharist (Dominicae Cenae)
March  1980 St. Joseph: Man of Trust
April 17, 1980 Instruction Concerning Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery (Inaestimabile Donum)
November 30, 1980 Dives In Misericordia (Rich In Mercy)
December  1980 Science and Faith in the Search for Truth
March  1981 Unity of the Family and Respect for Life
March 25, 1981 A Concilio Constantinopolitano I
September 14, 1981 Laborem Exercens (On Human Work)
December 8, 1981 Consecration of the Church and World to the Blessed Virgin Mary
December 15, 1981 On the Family (Familiaris Consortio)
March  1982 St. Joseph, a Witness to Fulfillment of the Promise
March 12, 1982 Homily on St. Francis of Assisi (03-12-1982)
May 13, 1982 Message of Mary's Maternal Love
May 24, 1982 We entrust, O Mary, and consecrate the whole world to your Immaculate Heart!
May 24, 1982 Consecration of May 13, 1982 of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
August 11, 1982 The Husband-Wife Relationship in Ephesians 5:21-23
October  1982 The Seven Sacraments
October 7, 1982 Magnum Matrimonii Sacramentum
January 25, 1983 Divinus Perfectionis Magister
January 25, 1983 Promulgation of the New Code of Canon Law (Sacrae Disciplinae Leges)
March  1983 Saint Joseph the Worker, Man of Faith and Prayer
May 31, 1983 Consecrated Life
October 24, 1983 Act of Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
October 29, 1983 Dangers of Genetic Manipulation
January 9, 1984 Pope John Paul Invites All to Work for Unity without Becoming Discouraged by Difficulties
February 11, 1984 Salvifici Doloris (the Christian Meaning of Suffering)
March 25, 1984 To Men and Women Religious (Redemptionis Donum)
April 2, 1984 Consecration of all Individuals and Peoples of the World
May 6, 1984 Flowing of the Church in Korea the Fruit of the Heroism of the Martyrs
July 11, 1984 Morality of the Marriage Act Determined by the Nature of the Act and of the Subjects
July 25, 1984 Importance of Harmonizing Human Love with Respect for Life
August 1, 1984 Responsible Parenthood
August 8, 1984 Faithfulness to the Divine Plan in the Transmission of Life
August 22, 1984 The Church's Position on the Transmission of Life
August 28, 1984 A Discipline that Ennobles Human Love
September 5, 1984 Responsible Parenthood Linked to Moral Maturity
October 3, 1984 Prayer, Penance and the Eucharist are the Principal Sources of Spirituality for Married Couples
October 10, 1984 The Power of Love is Given to Man and Woman as a Share in God's Love
October 24, 1984 Continence Protects the Dignity of the Conjugal Act
October 31, 1984 Continence Frees one from Inner Tension
November 7, 1984 Continence Deepens Personal Communion
November 21, 1984 Respect for the Work of God
November 28, 1984 The Redemption of the Body and the Sacramentality of Marriage
December 2, 1984 On Reconciliation and Penance (Reconciliatio et Paenitentia)
March 31, 1985 Dilecti Amici
April 13, 1985 Address of John Paul II on April 13, 1985
June 2, 1985 Slavorum Apostoli (The Apostles of the Slavs)
 1986 The Cure of Ars
 1986 Catechesis on the Angels
May 18, 1986 Dominum Et Vivificantem (Lord And Giver Of Life)
August 28, 1986 Augustine of Hippo (Augustinum Hipponensem)
September 8, 1986 Summary of Pope John Paul II's Catechesis on Original Sin
March  1987 The Family Is a Community of Love
March 25, 1987 Redemptoris Mater (Mother Of The Redeemer)
June 5, 1987 Sescentesima Anniversaria
September 11, 1987 Address at Williams-Brice Stadium
December 9, 1987 Veneration of Holy Images (Duodecimum Saeculum)
December 30, 1987 Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (On The Social Teaching Of The Church)
March 28, 1988 Euntes In Mundum
April 25, 1988 Magnum Baptismi Donum
June 28, 1988 Pastor Bonus
July  1988 Ecclesia Dei
August 15, 1988 Mulieris Dignitatem (On the Dignity and Vocation of Women)
October 17, 1988 Pope John Paul II, Address to Women Religious in Turin on September 4, 1988.
December 4, 1988 Vicesimus Quintus Annus
December 30, 1988 On the Laity (Christifideles Laici)
January 16, 1989 'He Descended Into Hell'
May 27, 1989 The Church Must Learn to Cope with Computer Culture
August 15, 1989 Guardian of the Redeemer (Redemptoris Custos)
November 18, 1989 God Loves a Cheerful Giver
January 1, 1990 The Ecological Crisis: A Common Responsibility
August 15, 1990 Ex Corde Ecclesiae
September 1, 1990 The Freedom of Conscience and of Religion
December 7, 1990 Redemptoris Missio (On Evangelization)
December 24, 1990 'Master in the Faith'
May 1, 1991 Centesimus Annus (On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum)
June 21, 1991 On Combating Abortion and Euthanasia
March  1992 The Pope Goes on 'Spiritual Pilgrimage' to the Family
March 25, 1992 I Will Give You Shepherds (Pastores Dabo Vobis)
May 17, 1992 Apostolic Brief on the Beatification of Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer
May 31, 1992 Homily of the Canonization Mass for Saint Claude La Colombiere
August 15, 1992 World Youth Day 1992
October 11, 1992 Fidei Depositum
 1993 Deacons Serve the Kingdom of God
March  1993 Saint Joseph Continues in His Role as Protector of the Body of Christ
May  1993 New Catechism: Gift to the Church
August 6, 1993 Veritatis Splendor, the Splendor of Truth
September 17, 1993 Homily on St. Francis of Assisi (09-17-1993)
September 25, 1993 True Human Love Reflects the Divine
October  1993 Deacons Are Called to Life of Holiness
October 13, 1993 Deacons Are Configured to Christ the Servant
October 20, 1993 Deacon Has Many Pastoral Functions
January 28, 1994 The Splendor in Justice and Law
February 11, 1994 The Mystery of Life (Vitae Mysterium)
February 22, 1994 Letter to Families
March 18, 1994 Population Conference Draft Document Criticized
March 22, 1994 Priesthood and Pastoral Care of the Family
April 5, 1994 Letter to President Clinton
April 22, 1994 Address to Participants of the Symposium on the Participation of the Laity in the Priestly Ministry
April 24, 1994 Pope John Paul II's Vocation Day Message (April 24, 1994)
April 24, 1994 Mary Serves Cause of Life
May  1994 See What Love the Father Has Given Us!
May 15, 1994 Television and the Family: Guidelines for Good Viewing
May 22, 1994 Apostolic Letter on Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone
June 13, 1994 On The Occasion of the Eighth Centenary of St. Anthony of Padua's Birth
November 2, 1994 Consecrated Life is Rooted in Baptism
November 14, 1994 As the Third Millenium Draws Near (Tertio Millennio Adveniente)
November 26, 1994 John Paul II's Address to New Cardinals
December 15, 1994 Pope John Paul II's 1994 Christmas Message to Children
January 1, 1995 Women: Teachers of Peace
January 9, 1995 Pope John Paul II's Address to the Diplomatic Corps
January 14, 1995 Message to Catholics in China
January 14, 1995 Pope John Paul II Homily for World Youth Day's Prayer Vigil
January 15, 1995 Pope John Paul II's Homily at the Closing Mass of the 10th World Youth Day
January 19, 1995 On the Beatification of Mother Mary Helen Mackillop
January 21, 1995 Address to Hindu and Muslim Leaders
January 29, 1995 Homily of January 29, 1995
February 2, 1995 How Great a Good is Consecrated Life!
February 10, 1995 1995 Address to the Roman Rota
February 15, 1995 General Audience of Wednesday, February 15, 1995 (continued)
February 17, 1995 Talk to National Bishops' Conference of Brazil
February 22, 1995 John Paul II's General Audience of February 22, 1995
March 1, 1995 1995 Lenten Message from Pope John Paul II: Literacy is Essential Duty for Man's Future
March 25, 1995 Evangelium Vitae (On The Value And Inviolability Of Human Life)
April 7, 1995 Holy Father's 1995 Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday
May 2, 1995 The Light of the East (Orientale Lumen)
May 12, 1995 Address on John Paul II on Breastfeeding
May 16, 1995 Message on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the End of the Second World War in Europe
May 21, 1995 Canonization of Bl. Jan Sarkander and Bl. Zdislava of Lemberk Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
May 22, 1995 Rights of Conscience Must Be Defended
May 23, 1995 Ecumenism of Martyrs and Saints
May 25, 1995 Ut Unum Sint (That They May Be One)
May 28, 1995 Cinema: Communicator of Culture and of Values
May 29, 1995 Pope Urges 'Pax Christi' to Promote Reconciliation
June 13, 1995 Church's Welfare Demands Careful Selection of Priesthood Candidates
June 14, 1995 Local Churches Have Missionary Task
June 25, 1995 Culture of Equality is Urgently Needed Today
June 28, 1995 Unity Results From Legitimate Diversity
June 29, 1995 We Cannot Remain Separated
June 29, 1995 Letter to Women (In Preparation for the Beijing Conference)
July 2, 1995 Martyrdom Unites Us With All Believers
July 5, 1995 Slovaks Endured Relentless Persecution
July 5, 1995 Holy Father's 1995 Angelus Message
July 9, 1995 Men and Women Must Live for the Other
July 12, 1995 All Must Strive for Goal of Full Unity
July 12, 1995 Respond Generously to Christ's Call
July 12, 1995 Mary Prepares Hearts for Conversion
July 16, 1995 Mission of Motherhood Makes Woman a Guardian of Life who Must Encourage Child's Dialogue with World
July 16, 1995 Faith is the Greatest Gift
July 26, 1995 Society and Church Need Genius of Woman
July 30, 1995 Initial Education in Family Relies on 'Feminine Genius'
August 2, 1995 Recognize the Importance of Prayer
August 9, 1995 Unity Furthered by Continual Renewal
August 9, 1995 Human Society is not Built by Destroying the Person; Make Every Effort to Avoid New Tragedies
August 9, 1995 Culture Needs Women's Genius
August 23, 1995 Mary is Church's Pattern
Mary is First to Receive Glory
August 23, 1995 Equal Opportunity Still Urgently Needed
August 23, 1995 Vatican II Praised Eastern Traditions
August 30, 1995 Dialogue with Reform Communities
August 30, 1995 Women Have Much to Offer in Political Life
August 30, 1995 Papal Appeal on Behalf of Women
September 6, 1995 Full Christian Unity Can Be Achieved
September 6, 1995 Enhance Women's Role in Church Life
September 13, 1995 The Church and Illegal Immigration
September 13, 1995 Mary is the Virgin Mother of God
September 15, 1995 Ecclesia in Africa
September 27, 1995 Church Must Face Challenge of Sects Throughout Latin America
October 3, 1995 Celebrate and Serve Life!
October 4, 1995 Martyrdom: A Special Gift of the Spirit
October 4, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Welcome Address at Newark Airport)
October 4, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Address at Newark Cathedral)
October 5, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Greeting to UN Staff)
October 5, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Homily at Giants Stadium)
October 5, 1995 Address to the United Nations General Assembly
October 6, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Homily at Aqueduct Racetrack)
October 6, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Address at St. Joseph's Seminary)
October 7, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Homily at Central Park)
October 7, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Blessing of the Office of the Permanent Mission)
October 7, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Greeting in St. Patrick's)
October 8, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Homily in Orioles Park)
October 8, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Angelus in Orioles Park)
October 8, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Catholic Relief Services Message)
October 8, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Greeting in Baltimore Cathedral)
October 8, 1995 Visit of Pope John Paul II to the United Nations and the United States (Departing Remarks)
October 18, 1995 All Believers Have Right to Receive Catholic Doctrine in its Integrity
October 22, 1995 World Mission Day
October 25, 1995 "Lumen Gentium" is Key to Council
November 1, 1995 Mary was United to Jesus on the Cross
November 1, 1995 Those Humbling Themselves Will be Exalted
November 5, 1995 Revelation Invites Us to Communion and Life
November 8, 1995 Mary is Model of Care for the Sick
November 8, 1995 Church is Neighbor to the Rejected
November 12, 1995 Apostolic Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II for the Fourth Centenary of the Union of Brest
November 15, 1995 Only Christ Can Fulfill Man's Hopes
November 15, 1995 Church Grew in Understanding of Mary's Role
November 22, 1995 To Honor Mary is to Go to Jesus
November 25, 1995 Integral Vision of Health Care
November 29, 1995 Magisterium Exercises Authority in Christ's Name
December  1995 Urbi et Orbi
December 6, 1995 "You Have the Words of Eternal Life"
December 6, 1995 Mary Shows us God's Respect for Women
December 6, 1995 Mary Sheds Light on Role of Women
December 13, 1995 You Will Be My Witnesses to the End of the Earth
December 13, 1995 Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations
December 13, 1995 Let us Give Children a Future of Peace
December 18, 1995 Mary Has Role in Jesus' Saving Mission
December 20, 1995 Council's Teaching on Mary is Rich and Positive
December 20, 1995 Blessed is the People Founded on Love
December 20, 1995 God Will Judge the World with Justice
 1996 They Yielded to Reality
January 3, 1996 May Christ Teach us to be a Gift for Others
January 10, 1996 Holy Family Radiates Example of True Love
January 10, 1996 Divine Sonship is Our Inheritance
January 13, 1996 Address of Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the Exchange of Greetings with the Diplomatic Corps
January 22, 1996 Judges Cannot Bend the Objective Norm or Interpret Divine law in an Arbitrary Way
January 24, 1996 "Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock"
January 24, 1996 Vatican II Called Catholics to Active Role in Ecumenism
January 31, 1996 John Paul II's 1996 Lenten Message
February 6, 1996 Homily at Holy Christ Shrine
February 7, 1996 Isaiah's Prophecy Fulfilled in Incarnation
February 21, 1996 Latin America Is Truly Blessed with Faith
February 21, 1996 Relativism Is Not Basis of Religious Freedom
February 22, 1996 On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff (Universi Dominici Gregis)
February 28, 1996 Remember You Are Dust
March 6, 1996 Outward Penance Aids Us in Our Interior Conversion
March 6, 1996 Motherhood is God's Special Gift
March 13, 1996 Penitential Fasting Is Therapy for the Soul
March 17, 1996 Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday, 1996
March 20, 1996 Two Blesseds Manifest 'Works of God'
March 25, 1996 The Consecrated Life (Vita Consecrata)
April 3, 1996 The Cross of Christ is the World's Hope
April 10, 1996 Light Shines in the Risen Christ
April 10, 1996 To Those Who Share in His Triumph Over Death The Lord Grants Courage to Build Up a New Humanity
April 10, 1996 Confession Must be Humble, Complete and Accompanied by Firm Purpose of Amendment
April 17, 1996 Woman's Moral Nobility
April 18, 1996 Apostolic Letter for the 350th Anniversary of the Union of Uzhorod
April 24, 1996 Christ's Resurrection Was A Concrete Event
May 1, 1996 The Apostles' Experience of the Risen Christ Is Entirely Credible
May 8, 1996 Mary Responds to God with Spousal Love
May 8, 1996 Mary Is the Mother Who Intercedes for Everyone
May 8, 1996 Reaffirm the Culture of Life!
May 15, 1996 Liturgy Preserves Faith Experience of Generations
May 15, 1996 Blessed Virgin Was Filled with God's Grace
May 19, 1996 World Communications Day 1996
May 29, 1996 I Appeal to World's Scientific Authorities: Halt the Production of Human Embryos!
June 5, 1996 Family Must Be Focus of Pastoral Care
June 12, 1996 Eucharist: Sacrament of Human Pilgrimage
June 19, 1996 Immaculate Conception Defined by Pius IX
June 19, 1996 Housing for All Is Measure of Civilization
June 26, 1996 They Witnessed to Life in a Culture of Death
June 26, 1996 Now Is the Time to Take a Great Step Forward in the Work of Evangelization
June 29, 1996 'On this Rock I Will Build my Church'
July 3, 1996 Mary Freely Cooperated in God's Plan
July 6, 1996 Union of Brest Was Work of Holy Spirit
July 7, 1996 We Give Thanks to God for Union of Brest
July 9, 1996 Rose-Virginie Pelletier Founded her Faith on Jesus Christ as on a Rock
July 10, 1996 Virginal Conception Is Biological Fact
July 31, 1996 Our Lady Intended to Remain a Virgin
August  1996 Mary and Joseph Lived Gift of Virginity
August 7, 1996 Eternal Son of God Is Also Born of Mary
August 7, 1996 Church Venerates Fathers of East and West
August 7, 1996 Bishop's Martyrdom Must Become Seed of Love
August 15, 1996 Mary Leads Us to Eucharist
August 21, 1996 Paul VI Generously Gave Himself to Christ
August 21, 1996 Eastern Theology Has Enriched the Whole Church
August 21, 1996 Mary Shines as a Sign of Certain Hope
August 21, 1996 Mary's Assumption Reminds Us That Our True Dwelling Place Is In Heaven
August 21, 1996 Love of Mary Shared by East and West
August 21, 1996 Show Concern for Plight of Migrants
August 28, 1996 The Holy Father's Message to Young People for the 12th World Youth Day
August 28, 1996 May Martyrs' Witness Brings Full Communion
September 4, 1996 The Church Presents Mary as 'Ever Virgin'
September 4, 1996 Christianity Has Deeply Marked Culture of Peoples
September 4, 1996 First Centenary of First American Bishops
September 11, 1996 Mary Offers Sublime Model of Service
September 11, 1996 Fathers of East Knew How to Listen to Spirit of God
September 11, 1996 Church Commemorates Thousand-Year Old Roots
September 13, 1996 Thank God for the Rich Harvest of Priestly and Religious Vocations
September 15, 1996 Jesus of Nazareth is Heart of Christian Faith
September 18, 1996 Mary, the New Eve, Freely Obeyed God
September 19, 1996 Martyrs in the Vendee Courageously Remained Faithful to Christ's Church
September 25, 1996 Church Has Benefited From French Christianity
September 29, 1996 Eastern Spirituality Emphasizes the 'Heart'
October 2, 1996 Visitation Is Prelude to Jesus' Mission
October 6, 1996 They Bore Fruits of Conversion and Holiness
October 13, 1996 Suffering Is Also God's Gift
October 18, 1996 Mary Says: "Do Whatever He Tells You"
November 1, 1996 I Thank God for My Priesthood and Pray That He Will Send More Labourers into His Harvest
November 3, 1996 Beauty Has Important Role In Eastern Spirituality
November 9, 1996 To Catholic Charismatics
November 13, 1996 Wipe out the tragic scandal of hunger
November 13, 1996 Food Security Results from Ethic of Solidarity
November 17, 1996 Icons Show the Human Face of God
November 20, 1996 Nativity Shows Mary's Closeness to Jesus
November 24, 1996 Devotion to Mary Gave Direction to Their Lives
November 26, 1996 Persevere in Quest for Unity
November 27, 1996 Church Proclaims Mary 'Mother of God'
November 30, 1996 Program for Year 2000 Must Help Us Discover Glory of God Revealed in Christ
December 1, 1996 Watch and Pray for the Lord's Return
December 3, 1996 Be United to Christ and Peter's Successor
December 4, 1996 Blessed Virgin Is Model of Perfect Love
December 11, 1996 Simeon is Open to the Lord's Action
December 12, 1996 We Cry Out: Save Us, O Saviour of the World!
December 13, 1996 Our Deep Communion Has its Source in our Common Faith Sealed by the Gift of Baptism
December 15, 1996 Christ Reveals Man to Himself
December 18, 1996 Offer Forgiveness and Receive Peace
December 22, 1996 The Future of a People Can Never Be Founded on Violence
December 25, 1996 Love One Another as Brothers and Sisters
December 25, 1996 Be Faithful to God's Gift on Christmas Night
December 26, 1996 Make Room for the Son of God Who Is Given to Us at Christmas
December 29, 1996 Fidelity of Husband and Wife Stands Like a Solid Rock on Which Children's Trust Rests
January  1997 Ecumenism Is Now an Urgent Task for the Catholic Church
January 1, 1997 Petrine Ministry Serves Unity of Faith
January 4, 1997 Apostleship of Prayer - April Intentions
January 8, 1997 Rejoice, the Lord Is Near
January 8, 1997 God's Grace Will Nourish Your Love
January 8, 1997 'Ad limina Apostolorum': Bishops' Conference of Viet Nam
January 8, 1997 We aim to deepen our Christian awareness
January 8, 1997 Eternal Word Fully Entered Human Family
January 8, 1997 Proclaim Christ Light Of All Peoples!
January 8, 1997 God Never Tires of Loving and Forgiving Us
January 8, 1997 We commend the new year to Mary
January 11, 1997 Magisterium Is Concerned with Question of Evolution for It Involves Conception of Man
January 31, 1997 On the Apostleship of the Sea
February 4, 1997 Cubans need contact with others
February 5, 1997 Rediscover Law as Interpersonal Reality
February 12, 1997 1997 Lenten Message from Pope John Paul II: Developing Special Concern for the Homeless
March 30, 1997 Urbi et Orbi
April 20, 1997 Renewed Biblical Catechesis Will Lead to A More Incisive Promotion of Vocations
April 30, 1997 Faithful Look to Their Bishops to be Authentic Teachers of the Faith
August 15, 1997 Laetamur Magnopere
September 24, 1997 The Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come'
October 19, 1997 Divini Amoris Scientia (Apostolic Letter Proclaiming St. Therese of Lisieux a Doctor of the Church)
October 19, 1997 Homily at Mass Proclaiming St. Therese of Lisieux a Doctor of the Church
November  1997 God Alone Is My Every Good, My Life
November  1997 Catechesis on God the Son, Jesus Christ (Collection)
November 26, 1997 God Is the Lord of Creation and History
December 3, 1997 With Jesus Eternity Has Entered Time
December 10, 1997 True Face of Messiah Gradually Revealed
December 16, 1997 Address on Receiving US Ambassador to the Vatican Linda Bogs
December 17, 1997 Time Itself Is Now Pervaded By Eternity
December 31, 1997 Jesus' Life Is Reference Point For Our Faith
 1998 Catechesis on God the Holy Spirit (Collection)
 1998 Catechesis on God the Father (Collection)
January 1, 1998 From the Justice of Each Comes Peace for All
January 21, 1998 Jesus' 'Hour' Is Time of Human Salvation
January 28, 1998 Parents have the inalienable duty and right to educate their children
January 28, 1998 Accept the call to be virtuous, for happiness is achieved by sacrifice
February 4, 1998 Offer your suffering to God
February 4, 1998 A sign of hope and communion
February 4, 1998 No cultural or ideological conditioning should hinder our fraternal relations
February 4, 1998 Christ invites you to share His joy and find happiness in loving others
February 4, 1998 Christ enters into culture and brings it the gift of purification and fullness
February 4, 1998 Pope's written message to the Cuban Bishops
February 4, 1998 The Cuban people need you
February 11, 1998 Witness to Life Must Be Unambiguous
February 11, 1998 Go Out to Meet the Light of the World!
February 11, 1998 Jesus Gave His Life As a Ransom For Many
February 18, 1998 1998 Lenten Message from Pope John Paul II: I Was Poor and You Welcomed Me
February 25, 1998 Son of God Brings Fullness of Salvation
March 11, 1998 Marital Act Must Be Total Gift of Person
March 18, 1998 God Intervenes in History When He Wills
March 25, 1998 We Respond in Faith To Revealed Truth
March 25, 1998 Reconciliation Is Way to True Progress
March 25, 1998 We Share Common convictions About the Value of Human Life
March 25, 1998 Africa Needs Harmony and Unity
March 25, 1998 Credibility of the Church's Message Is Linked to Credibility of Her Ministers
March 25, 1998 New Evangelization Should Inspire All Your Teaching and Catechesis
April 1, 1998 The Holy Father's Letter to Priests
April 8, 1998 We hail you, O Cross of Christ!
April 8, 1998 Be Men of Supernatural Faith and Loyalty to Christ and the Church
April 8, 1998 Faith and Baptism Are Way To Salvation
April 15, 1998 Hope for all springs from the Cross of Christ
April 15, 1998 The New Creation is brought about at Easter
April 15, 1998 We are witnesses to Risen Christ
April 22, 1998 Baptism Is Foundation of Communion
April 29, 1998 End of History Began with Christ's Coming
April 29, 1998 Conduct Research with Personal Integrity
May 6, 1998 We Must Love Mary As Christ Loved Her
May 13, 1998 Mary Is Our Model and Guide in Faith
May 20, 1998 Unfurl your sails to the Spirit's breath
May 20, 1998 Spirit is gradually revealed in Scripture
May 20, 1998 Evangelization of Asia is service of love
May 27, 1998 The Shroud whispers: believe in God's love and flee from the misfortune of sin
May 27, 1998 Promote a global culture of solidarity
May 27, 1998 Priest's Ministry and Spiritual Life Are Intimately Connected
May 27, 1998 Spirit Is Source of New and Eternal Life
May 31, 1998 World Day for Missions 1998
June 3, 1998 This is the day the Lord has made!
June 3, 1998 Veni, Sancte Spiritus! Come, Holy Spirit!
June 3, 1998 Students have the right to learn the Church's teaching in all its richness
June 3, 1998 Spirit Enables Us To Share in Divine Nature
June 10, 1998 Spirit Accompanies Jesus' Public Life
June 10, 1998 You Express Church's Fruitful Vitality
June 10, 1998 Promote a Deeper Awareness of the Responsibility of Lay People
June 10, 1998 Enthusiastic Faith Alone Is Not Enough
June 14, 1998 Jesus Walks with Us Through the Ages
June 17, 1998 The Church Awaits a Renewal and Rebirth of Consecrated Life
June 17, 1998 Spirit Is Present in the Paschal Mystery
June 24, 1998 Holy Spirit Gives Birth To the Church
June 24, 1998 Plant the Cross of Christ in your life!
July 1, 1998 Consciences Must Be Formed to Discern the Objective Moral law
July 1, 1998 Home and School Must Work Together
July 1, 1998 Take Your Faith Into the World
July 1, 1998 Eastern and Western Traditions Can Serve As Basis for Spiritual Renewal
July 1, 1998 Vocations Come Through Prayer
July 1, 1998 Mass Must Be Centre of Priests Life
July 1, 1998 Church in Austria Faces Important Issues
July 7, 1998 On Keeping the Lord's Day Holy (Dies Domini)
July 8, 1998 Lord's Day Must Be Kept Holy by Participating in Sunday Mass
July 8, 1998 Apostles Dispense Grace of God's Pardon
July 8, 1998 Living Faith Transmitted by the Universal Church Is Basis of Dialogue for All Parties
July 8, 1998 Dying Is Also Part of Life
July 8, 1998 Challenge for Believers Today Is to Help Europe Return to Its Christian Origins
July 8, 1998 Gospel Is Preached in Power of the Spirit
July 15, 1998 Holy Spirit Enlivens and Animates Church
July 15, 1998 Sunday Shows God's Love for His Creatures
July 15, 1998 Recognizing Specific Nature of Each Vocation Is Sign of Christian Maturity
July 15, 1998 In Order to Safeguard the Faith (Ad Tuendam Fidem)
July 22, 1998 Sunday: Day of Rest and Community Prayer
July 22, 1998 You Bear Witness to Communion with Peter
July 22, 1998 See that Sunday Is Recognized and Celebrated as the Lord's Day
July 23, 1998 Apostolos Suos - on the Theological and Juridical Nature of Episcopal Conferences
July 29, 1998 Human Rights Are by Nature Universal
July 29, 1998 Man Is Sanctified by the Holy Spirit
August 5, 1998 Laws Must Support Rights of Family
August 5, 1998 The Spirit Is Source of Communion
August 12, 1998 The Spirit Is the Source of Ministries
August 12, 1998 Put Your Trust in Mary, Mother of Christ
August 12, 1998 Queen St. Hedwig Teaches Us to Love
August 12, 1998 Promote Real Economic Democracy
August 26, 1998 Spirit Acts in All Creation and History
August 26, 1998 Homily on the Solemnity of the Assumption
August 26, 1998 Creation Must Be Dwelling Place of Peace
August 26, 1998 Man Is Invited to Fellowship with God
September 9, 1998 Holy Spirit Is Source of True Freedom
September 9, 1998 Let No Hatred, No Conflict, No War Be Kindled or Justified in the Name of the World's Great Religions
September 9, 1998 Courageously Preach the Truth Without Yielding to Compromise
September 16, 1998 No Evangelization Without Contemplation
September 16, 1998 Schools Must Help Students Learn Moral Values
September 16, 1998 Catholic Action Must Be Family of Families
September 16, 1998 Seeds of Truth Are Found in Other Religions
September 23, 1998 Spirit Is Active Wherever the Truth Is Sought
September 30, 1998 In the Spirit We Read the Signs of the Times
September 30, 1998 Many Problems Due to Lack of Religion
September 30, 1998 Show Heavenly Father's Truth and Love to Your Contemporaries, Who Are Thirsting for Real Values
September 30, 1998 Blessed Are You, If You Keep God's Word
September 30, 1998 Pastors Must Not Be Afraid to Follow Paul VI's Example in Teaching True Nature of Conjugal Life
October 2, 1998 Pope Tells American Bishops: Fight Death Culture
October 4, 1998 Catholic Faith Is Your Vocation
October 7, 1998 May this Land, Together with the Entire Region, Become a Place of Lasting Peace
October 7, 1998 Christ Has Won a Splendid Victory!
October 7, 1998 It Is Essential That You Remain Faithful to Your Christian Roots
October 7, 1998 Cross Warns Reason Against Self-Sufficiency
October 7, 1998 Confirmation Perfects Baptismal Grace
October 7, 1998 I Urge Catholics to Pray for the Dead
October 7, 1998 Migrants Still Urgently Need Pastoral Care
October 7, 1998 We Extend Our Arms in Brotherhood
October 9, 1998 Ad Limn Address to the Bishops of the Church in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Alaska
October 14, 1998 Edith Stein's Sole Boast Was the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ
October 14, 1998 Continue to Seek Only the Will of God
October 14, 1998 Croatia Has Borne Heroic Witness to Christ
October 14, 1998 Relativism Destroys Human Dignity
October 14, 1998 Chief Task Facing Your Churches Is a Renewed Proclamation of the Gospel
October 14, 1998 Healthy Pluralism of Movements Should be Fostered Under the Bishop's Guidance
October 14, 1998 Democracy Comes at a High Price
October 15, 1998 Fides et Ratio — Faith and Reason
October 21, 1998 Preaching the Word Is My Duty, So That the Son of Man Will Find Faith on Earth
October 21, 1998 Confirmation Seals Us with Gift of the Spirit
October 21, 1998 See That Diocesan Tribunals Faithfully Exercise Ministry of Truth and Justice
October 21, 1998 Awaken in Your People a Deep Desire for Holiness and Renewal
October 21, 1998 Media Can Powerfully Convey God's Word
October 21, 1998 Help and Support for the Christian East
October 21, 1998 Woe to Humanity Should It Lose the Meaning of Truth
October 28, 1998 The Lord Has Exalted These Lowly Ones
October 28, 1998 Rediscover the Rosary As a Source of Strength
October 28, 1998 May Italy Rediscover Its Christian Soul
October 28, 1998 Spirit Bestows Gift of Transcendent Life
October 28, 1998 Our Most Urgent Task Is to Satisfy the Spiritual Hunger of Our Times
October 28, 1998 You Are the Heart and Hands of Christ
November 4, 1998 Life in the Spirit Transcends Even Death
November 4, 1998 Man's Dignity Stems From His Spiritual Nature
November 4, 1998 Faith Offers Complete Vision of Man
November 4, 1998 Priests Are Conformed to Christ the Head
November 4, 1998 God's Face Is Found in Love and Simplicity
November 4, 1998 Faith Calls Us to Welcome the Immigrant
November 11, 1998 Our Bodies Will Share in the Resurrection
November 11, 1998 Dialogue Calls for Conversion of Heart
November 11, 1998 Let Fire of Christ's Love Be Kindled on Earth
November 11, 1998 Inquisition Requires Calm, Objective Analysis
November 11, 1998 I Appeal to Your Young People to Answer the Lord's Call in Their Life
November 11, 1998 Policy Reforms Must Support the Family
November 11, 1998 Legitimate Diversity Must Not Divide
November 11, 1998 May Christ Be the Reason for Your Hope
November 11, 1998 Address to French Ambassador to the Holy See
November 18, 1998 The Holy Spirit Is Source of Hope
November 18, 1998 Seek Unity by Strengthening Relations Between Various Christian Churches
November 18, 1998 Redemption Is Announcement of Sure Hope
November 18, 1998 Action Must Be United with Words
November 18, 1998 Resolve Middle East Crisis with Dialogue
November 22, 1998 Homily at the Inauguration of the Special Assembly for Oceania
November 25, 1998 The Peoples of Oceania Know That Jesus Is the Way That Leads to Truth and Life
November 25, 1998 Christ the King Is Lord of the World and History
November 25, 1998 Signs of Hope at the End of This Century
November 25, 1998 Distinction Between Church and World Must Be Rightly Understood
November 25, 1998 Poland Needs People of Faith and Conscience
November 25, 1998 Papal Diplomacy Is Service to Humanity
November 25, 1998 Economy Must Serve the Needs of All
November 25, 1998 Truth Finds Its Unity in Jesus Christ
November 25, 1998 No Authority Can Justify Euthanasia
November 28, 1998 The Father Calls to Eternal Life
November 29, 1998 Incarnationis Mysterium
December 2, 1998 The Holy Father Opens the Third Year of Preparation for the Great Jubilee
December 2, 1998 Gaze of All Humanity Is Drawn to Jubilee
December 2, 1998 Spirit Leads Church on Path of Renewal
December 2, 1998 Missionary Activity and Consecrated Life
December 2, 1998 Mary Is Icon of Redeemed Humanity
December 2, 1998 Jesus Entrusted Church to Mary's Care
December 9, 1998 Seeking Truth Is Essential to Being Human
December 9, 1998 We Await New Heavens and a New Earth
December 9, 1998 Spiritual and Cultural Role of Cinema
December 9, 1998 Christ Wants Your Communities to Be Victorious Over Sin and Division
December 9, 1998 You Do Not Know When the Lord Is Coming
December 9, 1998 Knowledge Must Become a Gift to Others
December 9, 1998 I Invite You Never to Abdicate the Mission Entrusted to You
December 9, 1998 Divinity Becomes Visible in Christ's Merciful Face
December 9, 1998 Your Task as Bishops Is to Preach the Truth that Comes 'From Above'
December 14, 1998 Address of John Paul II to Members of the Australian Conference of Bishops
December 16, 1998 Jesus Christ is the Way for Oceania
December 16, 1998 Search for Truth Is Search for God
December 16, 1998 Mary's Motherhood Is Linked to the Spirit
December 16, 1998 Set Your Face Resolutely Against All That Might Harm the Catholic Faith
December 16, 1998 We Are Called to Be Holy and Blameless
December 16, 1998 No Task Is More Necessary in the Pacific than the New Evangelization
December 23, 1998 Message for World Day of the Sick
December 23, 1998 On Pilgrimage to the Father's House
December 23, 1998 World Day of Peace: January 1, 1999
December 23, 1998 The Lord Is Near to Those Who Seek Him
December 23, 1998 Anniversary of Human Rights Declaration Is an Appeal for each State to Examine Its Conscience
December 23, 1998 Today's Task Is to Forge a new Bond Between Faith and Culture
December 23, 1998 Right to Nutrition Must Be Guaranteed
December 24, 1998 Homily of His Holiness Pope John Paul II at Midnight Mass
December 25, 1998 Urbi Et Orbi Message
January 6, 1999 Christ Was Born for Our Salvation
January 6, 1999 Grace Spurs Humanity to Rise Above Evil
January 13, 1999 Time Has Come to Ensure that Everywhere in the World Effective Freedom of Religion Is Guaranteed
January 13, 1999 Bear Public Witness to the Truth
January 13, 1999 Let the Church Shine in Splendour
January 13, 1999 Humanity Needs Christ's Word of Salvation
January 13, 1999 Letter on the Gospel of Work
January 13, 1999 May 1999 Be Year of Serenity and Hope
January 13, 1999 Take Courage, for the Lord Is Near!
January 20, 1999 God the Father Loves You
January 20, 1999 Natural Law Is Sure Foundation of Human Rights
January 20, 1999 God Gradually Reveals His Fatherhood
January 22, 1999 Ecclesia in America
January 27, 1999 May the Continent of Hope also be the Continent of Life! Life with dignity for all!
January 27, 1999 1999 Lenten Message from Pope John Paul II: the Lord Will Prepare a Banquet for All
January 27, 1999 Conversion of Minds and Effective, not just Theoretical, Solidarity Are Essential
January 27, 1999 Christ Is Europe's Source of New Culture
January 27, 1999 Address Upon Arrival in Mexico City
January 27, 1999 Mexico Has Seen a Great Light
January 27, 1999 God Shows Himself a Father To Israel
February  1999 Rivalries Based on Ethnic Origin Have No Place in Christ's Church
February 3, 1999 Christ Is Answer to Human Pain
February 3, 1999 Let Us Reaffirm Our Faith!
February 3, 1999 America, Resist the Culture of Death and Stand Firmly on the Side of Life
February 3, 1999 The Time for Action Is Now!
February 3, 1999 Be Unconditionally Pro-Life!
February 3, 1999 If You Want Justice, Defend Life; If You Want Life, Embrace Truth
February 3, 1999 Message for 33rd World Day of Social Communications
February 7, 1999 Gospel Message Is Not a Foreign Culture But Is Meant For All People
February 10, 1999 New Culture of Life Must Be Developed
February 10, 1999 Presentation Prefigures the Cross
February 10, 1999 True Marriage Requires a Reciprocal Gift of Exclusive, Indissoluble and Fruitful Love Commitment
February 17, 1999 Americans Must Be Light of the World
February 17, 1999 God Is Source of Human Fruitfulness
February 24, 1999 I Will Arise and Return to My Father
February 24, 1999 Remember, To Dust You Will Return
February 24, 1999 Parish Has Essential Role in Welcoming the Stranger and Integrating the Baptized from Different Cultures
March  1999 St Joseph, Image of God's Fatherly Love
March 3, 1999 Letter to Cardinal William Henry Keeler on Pro-Life Activities
March 3, 1999 Be Merciful, O Lord, for We Have Sinned
March 3, 1999 Future Depends on Quality Schools
March 10, 1999 In Christ We Find the Meaning of Life
March 10, 1999 Pursue Your Study of Media Ethics
March 10, 1999 Help Laity Be 'Confessors of the Faith'
March 10, 1999 Love and Solidarity for the Dying
March 10, 1999 A Unique Relationship with the Father
March 10, 1999 Action Must Be Educational and Political
March 10, 1999 Promote Global Action to Support Peace
March 10, 1999 We Too Must Take the 'Risk' of Faith
March 14, 1999 Holy Thursday 1999 Letter to Priests
March 17, 1999 Life Is Meaningless Without the Cross
March 17, 1999 True Witness and Spiritual Masters
March 17, 1999 Revelation of the Trinitarian Mystery
March 17, 1999 Employment Growth Is Urgent Priority
March 24, 1999 Creation Must Be Administered for Good of All
March 24, 1999 Eternal Life Means Knowing the Father
March 24, 1999 Jesus Instituted Sacrament of Penance
March 24, 1999 Help Croatian People to Remain Faithful to Their Christian Roots
March 31, 1999 Meet Christ Who Gladdens Your Youth
March 31, 1999 Renew Your Friendship with Jesus
March 31, 1999 Father's Love Is Generous and Providential
April 7, 1999 Thank God for Gift of Priesthood
April 7, 1999 Relive the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ
April 7, 1999 The Cross Is Victory and Salvation
April 7, 1999 The Most Important Days for Our Faith
April 7, 1999 The Passover of Christ Brings Hope
April 14, 1999 Silence the arms and return to dialogue!
April 14, 1999 God the Father's Love Is Demanding
April 14, 1999 Inter Munera Academiarum
April 14, 1999 Always Be Motivated by Deep Apostolic and Missionary Zeal
April 14, 1999 Man Must Preserve and Cultivate Creation
April 14, 1999 Nothing Is Resolved by Violence
April 14, 1999 Conquer Evil by Growing in God's Love
April 21, 1999 They Recognized the Lord's Presence
April 21, 1999 Grace Makes Us Witnesses of Peace
April 21, 1999 Christian Response to Modern Atheism
April 23, 1999 1999 Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to Artists
April 28, 1999 Living Icons of the Good Shepherd
April 28, 1999 Jesus, Model of Every Priest
April 28, 1999 Peace Must Be Patiently Built Day After Day
April 28, 1999 Dialogue Is Part of Church's Saving Mission
April 28, 1999 Youth Need Sound Catechesis and a Solid Sacramental Life
April 28, 1999 They Teach Us the Secret of Holiness
May 5, 1999 He Learned Love at the Foot of the Cross
May 5, 1999 His Wounds Spoke of God's Love for All
May 5, 1999 Love Our Lady and Recite the Rosary
May 5, 1999 Jews and Christian Share much Together
May 5, 1999 Artistic Creation Opens Human Minds to the Transcendent
May 5, 1999 Service to the Pope and to the Holy See
May 12, 1999 Your Chains Are the Glory and Pride of the Church! the Truth Has Set You Free!
May 12, 1999 I Come as a Pilgrim of Faith and Hope
May 12, 1999 I Pay Homage to Your Martyrs
May 12, 1999 Muslims and Christians Adore the One God
May 12, 1999 Unity Must Be Based on Equality
May 12, 1999 Evangelization of Urban Culture Is a Formidable Challenge for the Church
May 19, 1999 Action Presupposes Contemplation
May 19, 1999 Gospel of Charity Is Message for Our Times
May 19, 1999 Come, Let Us Walk Together!
May 19, 1999 My Sole Desire Is for True Unity and to Fulfil the Petrine Ministry
May 19, 1999 Build a New Romania Where East and West Can Meet in Brotherhood
May 19, 1999 Europe Must Rediscover Shared Values
May 26, 1999 Dialogue with the Great World Religions
May 26, 1999 Church's Mission Is Still Only Beginning
May 26, 1999 Never Tire of Teaching the Ideals of Christian Marriage and Family Life
May 26, 1999 The Diocesan Cathedral Reflects the Mystery of the Church
May 26, 1999 Nation's Right to Existence Is Always a Just Cause
June  1999 The Pope in Poland
June 2, 1999 Church Proclaims Love of God the Father
June 2, 1999 Cathedral Is Sign and Call to Communion
June 2, 1999 True Humanism Opens Man to God
June 2, 1999 We Await a New Heaven and New Earth
June 2, 1999 Witnesses to Christ in Military Life
June 9, 1999 We Wish to Live in the Spirit of Truth, Since Only the Truth Can Make Us Free and Happy
June 9, 1999 Christ, the Bread of Hope and Peace
June 9, 1999 Believers in Christ Need Not Fear Death
June 9, 1999 Respond Generously to Your Vocation
June 9, 1999 The Cross of Christ Is a Source of Peace
June 16, 1999 Heart of Jesus, Our Peace and Reconciliation
June 16, 1999 In the Third Millennium Build Your House on the Rock That Is Christ Living in His Church
June 16, 1999 Heart of Jesus, have mercy!
June 16, 1999 Hail, Bride of the Holy Spirit!
June 16, 1999 Now Is the Time to Remember All These Martyrs and to Pay Them Due Honour
June 16, 1999 People of Culture Must Strive for Truth, Defend It and Live in Accordance with It
June 16, 1999 Harken to the 'Cry of the Poor'
June 16, 1999 The Cross Illumines All Human Life
June 16, 1999 God's Fatherhood Is Basis of the Family
June 23, 1999 His Heart Is the Heart of the Church
June 23, 1999 Nothing Separated Them From Christ
June 23, 1999 Be Open to God's Reconciling Love
June 23, 1999 Development of a Free and Democratic Society Must Be Based on Respect for the Human Person
June 23, 1999 Your Martyrs and Confessors Knew the Truth and the Truth Set Them Free
June 23, 1999 A Pure Heart Can Love God and Bring the Commitment of Marriage to Fulfilment
June 23, 1999 Word of God Is Living and Active
June 23, 1999 Bread to Nourish Future Generations
June 23, 1999 Created World Exists for New Life in Christ
June 23, 1999 These Blesseds Witness to the Victory of Christ, the Gift That Restores Hope
June 30, 1999 Church Is Built on the Eucharist
June 30, 1999 Education Begins in the Home
June 30, 1999 Wisdom Is Needed to Discover Anew the Supernatural Dimension of Human Work
June 30, 1999 We Give Praise and Thanks to God That the Gospel Seed Has Borne Abundant Fruit
June 30, 1999 An Unambiguous Witness to Human Life
June 30, 1999 Decline in Religious Practice Makes Evangelization All the More Urgent
July 7, 1999 Letter Concerning Pilgrimage to the Places Linked to the History of Salvation
July 7, 1999 Peter and Paul: Signs of Unity and Fidelity
July 7, 1999 Symbol of Communion with Church of Rome
July 7, 1999 God Revealed His Love in Many Ways
July 7, 1999 St. Kinga's Love of the Bridegroom Was Expressed in Countless Works of Charity
July 7, 1999 Here Everything Began: My Life, My Studies, the Theatre, the Priesthood
July 7, 1999 One Essential Truth: God Is Love
July 7, 1999 The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us
July 14, 1999 Test All Things, Hold to What Is Good
July 14, 1999 God's Judgment Is Rich in Mercy
July 21, 1999 Monasteries Are Powerhouses of Spiritual Energy
July 21, 1999 Take Holy Pride in Being Other Christs
July 21, 1999 From Subiaco Shines a Beacon of Faith
July 21, 1999 May We Rediscover Our Full Communion
July 23, 1999 Occasion of the Celebrations of the 1450 Anniversary of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Apollinaire in Classe
July 28, 1999 Heaven Is Fullness of Communion with God
August 4, 1999 Hell Is the State of Those Who Reject God
August 11, 1999 Purgatory Is Necessary Purification
August 25, 1999 Mary Shows Us the Way to God
August 25, 1999 Salvation Is Humanity's Ultimate Destiny
August 25, 1999 Fight Evil and Sin with Determination
August 25, 1999 Contemplate the Face of Christ in the Sick
August 25, 1999 Mary Is Model of Christian Life
September 1, 1999 Personal Sin Has Repercussions on Society
September 1, 1999 Human Life Must Originate in the Conjugal Act
September 8, 1999 Your Essential Task Is To Strengthen the Family As the 'Domestic Church'
September 8, 1999 Your Communities Thirst For God and Seek To Follow His Commandments
September 8, 1999 Evangelizers for the Third Millennium
September 8, 1999 Church Asks Pardon for Her Members' Sins
September 15, 1999 Man Is Still Enslaved in Many Ways
September 15, 1999 Jesus Reveals the Father's Merciful Face
September 15, 1999 Good Catechesis Will Ensure That the Laity Are Secure in Their Faith
September 15, 1999 Human Rights Rest on Moral Values
September 22, 1999 Bishop Anton Slomsek Was a Vine Yielding Rich Fruits of Christian Holiness and Culture
September 22, 1999 Bring Precious Gift of Life to All Slovenes
September 22, 1999 Jubilee Implies Commitment to Justice
September 22, 1999 Penance: Encounter with the Merciful Father
September 22, 1999 Religious Freedom Constitutes the Very Heart of Human Rights
September 22, 1999 Be Tireless Builders of Peace with All People of Good Will
September 29, 1999 Priests Are Set Apart in Order To Be True Servants of God's People
September 29, 1999 Secularization and Urbanization Must Be Faced with Solid and Mature Faith
September 29, 1999 Sound Catechesis Enables Believers To Meet New Challenges
September 29, 1999 Reconciliation with God and One Another
October 6, 1999 Three Co-Patronesses of Europe
October 6, 1999 Do Not Accept Ideas Without a Future
October 6, 1999 Be Guardians and Servants of Human Life
October 6, 1999 Faithful Workers in the Lord's Vineyard
October 6, 1999 Indulgences Are Expression of God's Mercy
October 6, 1999 Church Must Remind Everyone of Human Person's Inalienable Dignity
October 9, 1999 Hold Fast to Your Christian Traditions
October 13, 1999 Pray the Rosary Often This Month!
October 13, 1999 You Bring Christ to the Academic World
October 13, 1999 God's Essence Is Mystery of Infinite Love
October 20, 1999 Faith Involves the Whole Person
October 20, 1999 Be Strong and Creative in Your Love
October 20, 1999 Charity Is Response to God's Call to Love
October 20, 1999 Spread Christian Values Through the Media
October 26, 1999 Letter to the Elderly
October 27, 1999 Jesus Christ Is Source of Hope for Europe
October 27, 1999 Love Is Greatest of All the Spirit's Gifts
October 27, 1999 The Eucharist Encourages Communion
November  1999 The Pope in India & Georgia
November 3, 1999 Our Task: Promote Culture of Dialogue
November 3, 1999 The Church's Preferential Love for the Poor
November 6, 1999 Ecclesia in Asia
November 10, 1999 Do Not Fear the Church! Her One Ambition Is to Continue Christ's Mission of Service and Love
November 10, 1999 The Eternal Word Is the True Light
November 10, 1999 We Must Welcome Whatever Is Good and Holy in One Another
November 10, 1999 Jubilee Is Occasion to Reduce International Debt
November 10, 1999 Church Engages History and Culture To Transform Them with the Gospel
November 10, 1999 We Entrust Asia to Mary
November 17, 1999 St. Bridget Calls Us to Work for Unity
November 17, 1999 Eastern Churches Called To Twofold Fidelity
November 17, 1999 True Anchor Is Faith in Christ
November 17, 1999 Hosts of Martyrs Shed Their Blood
November 17, 1999 The Holy Spirit Inspires Us to Hear Christ's Plea: 'May They All Be One'
November 17, 1999 Do Not Lose Heart! Let the Light and Strength of the Gospel Sustain You!
November 17, 1999 Do Not Be Afraid of Christ
November 17, 1999 Be a Gospel Leaven in Society
November 24, 1999 God's Kingdom Is Built on Self-Giving
November 24, 1999 Human Transcendence Must Be Respected
November 24, 1999 Defend the Family Based on Marriage
November 24, 1999 Evangelization and Interreligious Dialogue
November 24, 1999 In a Secularized Society Your Voice Is Needed More Than Ever
December 1, 1999 Eucharist, Source of All Vocations
December 1, 1999 Be Fearless Workers in the Search for Truth
December 1, 1999 Catholic Schools Deserve Equal Recognition
December 1, 1999 Commitment to Promoting Women's Dignity
December 1, 1999 You Are Not Business Managers, But Stewards of God’s Mysteries
December 8, 1999 Make Every Effort To Teach Truth, Dispel Confusion and Correct Errors
December 8, 1999 Welcome God's Son into Your Lives
December 8, 1999 Health Care Must Be Available to All
December 8, 1999 The Creative Unity of Faith and Understanding
December 8, 1999 Society as Whole Depends on Stable Families
December 8, 1999 Message To Catholic Church in China
December 15, 1999 Our Union with Christ Is Mediated By the Sacraments of His Church
December 15, 1999 All Salvation History Leads to Christ
December 22, 1999 Say 'Yes' To the Lord Who Comes
December 22, 1999 Be Tireless in Promoting Christian Unity
December 22, 1999 A Society in Transition Needs the Committed Witness of Lay
December 22, 1999 Good Relations Are Basis For Further Dialogue
December 22, 1999 Committed To Building Civilization of Love
December 29, 1999 Christ Is Door That Leads Into Salvation
December 29, 1999 Grow in Faith and Missionary Zeal
January 5, 2000 Repent and Believe in the Gospel
January 5, 2000 Disabled Child Has Same Rights As Any Child
January 12, 2000 I ask Everyone to Save Humanity from Wars, to Respect Human Life and the Family
January 12, 2000 Epiphany Celebrates Church's Catholicity
January 12, 2000 Mary, the Father's Beloved Daughter
January 19, 2000 Blessed Be God Who Blessed Us in Christ
January 19, 2000 Mary Cooperates in God's Saving Plan
January 19, 2000 Catechesis on the Holy Trinity
January 21, 2000 Marriage Cannot Be Dissolved By Any Human Power, Not
January 23, 2000 May Our Longing For Unity Be Ever More Genuine
January 26, 2000 Proclaiming Christ in the Media
January 26, 2000 The Trinity: Fountain of Love and Light
January 26, 2000 Baptized By One Spirit Into One Body
January 26, 2000 World Needs Deeply Spiritual Pastors
February 2, 2000 Continue the Tradition of Social Catholicism
February 2, 2000 Christ Is Mediator and Fullness of Revelation
February 2, 2000 Trinity Is Mysteriously Present in Creation
February 2, 2000 2000 Lenten Message from Pope John Paul II: I Am with You Always, to the Close of the Age
February 5, 2000 Message of the Holy Father to the U.S. National Prayer Breakfast
February 9, 2000 Be Faithful Witnesses to Gospel Joy and Preachers of Truth
February 16, 2000 For the Suffering, Christ Is the Door to Life
February 16, 2000 Glory of the Trinity Is Revealed in History
February 23, 2000 Beauty Is Your God-Given Vocation
February 23, 2000 Active Apostles of the New Evangelization
February 23, 2000 Let Us Offer the World New Signs of Hope
February 23, 2000 Reliving Abraham's Faith Experience
February 23, 2000 Church’s Very Nature Requires Unity
March  2000 Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - Collection
March 1, 2000 Address Upon Arrival in Cairo
March 1, 2000 We Are Setting Out Towards Mount Sinai
March 1, 2000 Our Baptismal Communion Enables Us to Bear Common Witness to the Faith
March 1, 2000 Mount Sinai Stands at the very Heart of the Truth about Man and His Destiny
March 1, 2000 Petrine Ministry Is Based on Christ's Promise
March 1, 2000 Encounter with Christ Is Heart of all Renewal
March 1, 2000 Promises to Abraham Were Fulfilled in Christ
March 8, 2000 God Was Their Saviour and Protector
March 8, 2000 Vatican II Was Spirit's Gift to the Church
March 8, 2000 Imitate St Joseph's Simple, Hard-Working Style
March 8, 2000 God's Law Is Written on the Human Heart
March 8, 2000 Ultimate Truth Must Guide Political Life
March 8, 2000 Democracy Must Be Based on Moral Norms
March 8, 2000 The Pope at Mount Sinai
March 15, 2000 Let Us Forgive and Ask Forgiveness!
March 15, 2000 Father, Forgive Us As We Forgive Others
March 15, 2000 'Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God'
March 15, 2000 Chinese Cardinal Ignatius Kung Pin-mei Dies in Stamford, USA
March 15, 2000 Lent, Time of Conversion and Reconciliation
March 22, 2000 Urgent Issues of Justice Must Be Resolved for the Good of All and for Lasting Peace
March 22, 2000 I Thank God for Ineffable Gift of Jesus Christ
March 22, 2000 Priests Too Need God's Forgiveness
March 22, 2000 Holy Door: Symbol of Conversion
March 22, 2000 Learn to Love Mary, Our Heavenly Mother
March 22, 2000 Holy Family Teaches Us What Is Essential
March 26, 2000 Prayer of the Holy Father at the Western Wall
March 26, 2000 Holy Father's Angelus Message
March 29, 2000 Mary, Truest Daughter of Abraham
March 29, 2000 Let Us Ask the Lord to Inspire a New Spirit of Harmony and Solidarity Among the Churches
March 29, 2000 I Pray that Peace May Be God's Gift to the Land He Chose to Be His Own
March 29, 2000 Holy See Has Always Recognized Palestinians' Right to a Homeland
March 29, 2000 'This Is My Body, This Is My Blood'
March 29, 2000 Religious Belief Cannot Be Separated from the Defense of God's Image in Every Human Being
March 29, 2000 May Jericho Be Rich in the Promise More Peaceful Future For All Who Live Here
March 29, 2000 I Appeal for Greater Solidarity and Political Will
March 29, 2000 Only Dialogue Can Make Aspirations for Peace a Reality
March 29, 2000 Jesus Says: 'Come, Follow Me'
March 29, 2000 Jesus Christ Is Risen! He Is Truly Risen!
March 29, 2000 Your Future Lies in Unity
March 29, 2000 From This River Blessed by His Presence, Christ Went Forth to Baptize with Water and the Spirit
March 29, 2000 Here Every Day Is Christmas
March 29, 2000 Catholic Church Is Deeply Saddened by Any Acts of Anti-Semitism by Christians
March 29, 2000 We Must Work for Reconciliation and Peace Between Jews and Christians
March 29, 2000 Pope John Paul II Visits Armenian Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Torkom
April 5, 2000 Bear Courageous Witness to Christ
April 5, 2000 God So Loved the World That He Gave His Only Son
April 5, 2000 Fetal Life Must Be Protected and Nurtured
April 5, 2000 A Pilgrimage to the Roots of our Faith
April 5, 2000 Holy Thursday Letter to Priests
April 12, 2000 'Where I Am, There Will My Servant Be'
April 12, 2000 Respect Constitutional Balance of Powers
April 12, 2000 Incarnation Reveals Glory of the Trinity
April 12, 2000 Artistic Heritage Has Evangelizing Role
April 12, 2000 Be Instruments of God's Goodness
April 12, 2000 Priests Should Teach Faithful About Indulgences
April 12, 2000 Keener Awareness of Shared Responsibility
April 19, 2000 Christ Became Obedient Unto Death
April 19, 2000 Jubilee Is Fitting Occasion for Strengthening Ecclesial Communion
April 19, 2000 Holy Trinity Is Revealed at Jesus' Baptism
April 19, 2000 Be the First to Offer and Accept Forgiveness
April 26, 2000 Rejoice in Christ's Victory Over Death
April 26, 2000 Offer Witness of Harmonious Unity
April 26, 2000 We Proclaim the Triumph of Life Over Death
April 26, 2000 Priests, By Ordination, Share in Christ's Mission
April 26, 2000 May Jesus Become Our Traveling Companion
April 26, 2000 Eucharist Is Joined to Ministerial Priesthood
April 26, 2000 Eternal Plan of God Reaches Its Fulfilment
May  2000 Gift of Life Must Be Accepted, Respected and Defended
May  2000 Glory of the Trinity in Christ's Ascension
May 3, 2000 Sr. Faustina: God's Gift to Our Time
May 3, 2000 Christ Is Centre of Human History
May 3, 2000 Divine Mercy Expresses the Jubilee Spirit
May 3, 2000 The Promise of Tabor Is Fulfilled at Easter
May 3, 2000 A Mission of Integrating Faith and Life
May 3, 2000 Proclaim the Gospel Without Compromise
May 3, 2000 St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy
May 10, 2000 Build a Society That Respects Human Work
May 10, 2000 Lord, Give Success to Work of Our Hands
May 10, 2000 Globalization Must Always Serve Man
May 10, 2000 Christians Have Been United in Suffering
May 10, 2000 Courage Speaks Louder Than Divisions
May 10, 2000 Cardinal O'Connor dies at age of 80
May 10, 2000 Christ's Passion Reveals Glory of the Trinity
May 10, 2000 Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum
May 17, 2000 You Revealed These Things to Children
May 17, 2000 Trinity Is Present in Christ's Resurrection
May 17, 2000 Church Expects Mature Fruits of Communion and Commitment
May 17, 2000 Be Salt and Leaven for the World
May 24, 2000 They Loved in Deed and in Truth
May 24, 2000 Thank God For This Extraordinary Gift!
May 24, 2000 Model Your Life on Mystery of the Cross
May 24, 2000 Pray for Peace and Conversion of Sinners
May 24, 2000 Christ Is Risen and Romania with Him
May 24, 2000 All the Baptized Are Called to Mission
May 24, 2000 An Important Vehicle of Lofty Human Values
May 24, 2000 A Mission of 'Cultural Refoundation'
May 31, 2000 Open Your Mind to the Creator's Presence
May 31, 2000 A Life of Heroic Humility and Obedience
May 31, 2000 Called to Serve Christ in the Sick
June 7, 2000 New Economic Situation Calls For Globalization of Solidarity
June 7, 2000 Pentecost Involves the Three Divine Persons
June 7, 2000 Authentic Christians and Excellent Journalists
June 7, 2000 Heaven Is Our True, Definitive Homeland
June 7, 2000 Accept Others As Christ Accepted Us
June 14, 2000 Spirit Sends Us to Proclaim the Gospel
June 14, 2000 We Are Called to Bear Witness to Love
June 14, 2000 Bear Courageous Witness to Christian Life
June 14, 2000 Presence of the Trinity in Human Life
June 14, 2000 Culture Promotes Authentic Humanism
June 14, 2000 Clergy Educators Must Lead by Example
June 14, 2000 A Citadel of Prayer and Marian Piety
June 14, 2000 Be Instruments of the Lord's Grace
June 21, 2000 The Trinity in the Life of the Church
June 21, 2000 Pass on the Riches of Your Spiritual Heritage
June 21, 2000 Teach Young People the Gospel of Life
June 28, 2000 The Living Bread Come Down from Heaven!
June 28, 2000 If Anyone Eats This Bread, He Shall Live
June 28, 2000 Eucharist Spurs Christians to Mission
July 5, 2000 Church is Built on Peter's Faith and Fidelity
July 5, 2000 Jesus Christ Must be Explicitly Preached
July 5, 2000 Peter and Paul Sealed Their Witness with Blood
July 5, 2000 Glory of the Trinity in the Heavenly Jerusalem
July 5, 2000 Message for the Jubilee in Prisons
July 5, 2000 Message for World Mission Sunday
July 12, 2000 I Was in Prison and You Came to Me
July 12, 2000 An Offence to Rome's Christian values!
July 12, 2000 Fidelity to Christ's Desire for Unity
July 12, 2000 God Always Goes in Search of Man
July 19, 2000 Let Us Tirelessly Climb the Mountain of Holiness
July 19, 2000 Consistent Witness to the Gospel of Life
July 19, 2000 Christ's Blood, Source of Salvation
July 19, 2000 The Great Jubilee Reminds the Whole Church in Poland That Evangelization
July 19, 2000 Today in Poland There is a Need for True Heralds of the Gospel and Messengers of the Truth
July 26, 2000 Everyone Needs Adequate Time of Rest
July 26, 2000 Be Faithful to the Way of Lenten Penance
July 26, 2000 You Show God's Tenderness to the Poor
July 26, 2000 A Life of Poverty in Service to the Poor
August 2, 2000 Only in Christ Can We Find True Meaning
August 2, 2000 God Satisfies Our Longing for His Presence
August 2, 2000 Like St Paul, Preach the Gospel to All
August 2, 2000 Intimate Union with Christ is the Secret
August 2, 2000 The Third Centenary of the Union of the Greek-Catholic Church of Romania with the Church of Rome
August 2, 2000 Hill of Crosses: a Witness to God's Mercy
August 2, 2000 Do Not Neglect Family Agricultural Business
August 9, 2000 Christ Is Calling You to Serve His Truth
August 9, 2000 God Also Reveals Himself in Nature
August 9, 2000 Tourism: Challenges and Possibilities
August 9, 2000 The Decisive Meeting with Christ, the Word Made Flesh
August 23, 2000 From the Depths of My Heart I Want to Thank God for the Gift of Your Youth in the Church
August 23, 2000 Say "Yes' to Christ and to Your Noblest Ideals
August 23, 2000 Jesus Is Supreme Encounter of God and Man
August 23, 2000 Jesus Asks You to Love Him Above All
August 23, 2000 Faith Is Work of Holy Spirit
August 29, 2000 Address of John Paul II to the International Congress on Organ Transplants
August 30, 2000 World Youth Day: An Unforgettable Event
September 6, 2000 God Continually Calls Man To Repentance
September 6, 2000 Five Men Linked By a Desire For Holiness
September 13, 2000 Incarnation Touches Depths of Humanity
September 13, 2000 Adoption Is 'A Concrete Way of Love'
September 13, 2000 The Way Taught by Christ Is Demanding
September 13, 2000 Universities Need Credible Witnesses to Christ
September 13, 2000 Spread the Gospel in Secular World
September 14, 2000 Life as a Vocation
September 20, 2000 In a World That Makes a Myth of Strength and Power, the Elderly Must Witness to True Values
September 20, 2000 Holy Spirit Gives Life and Freedom to Christians
September 20, 2000 Make 'Diplomacy of the Gospel' Your Own!
September 27, 2000 Renew Devotion to Mary, Mother of God
September 27, 2000 Gift of Spirit Makes Us "Sons in the Son'
September 27, 2000 Feel Mary's Presence More Intensely
October 4, 2000 God Sanctified Them in His Love
October 4, 2000 May Dominus Iesus Fulfill Its Function
October 4, 2000 Eucharist Is Celebration of Divine Glory
October 4, 2000 Working to Build a More United World
October 4, 2000 Protection of Human Rights Is Indispensable
October 8, 2000 Act of Entrustment to the Blessed Virgin Mary
October 8, 2000 Teach Us Wisdom of Heart
October 11, 2000 Love and Adore the Eucharist with Faith
October 11, 2000 Ever New Examples of Gospel Life
October 11, 2000 Mary Brings Light and Hope to All People
October 11, 2000 Eucharist: 'Memorial' of God's Mighty Works
October 18, 2000 Eucharist Is Perfect Sacrifice of Praise
October 18, 2000 We Must Be Sanctified By Our Ministry
October 18, 2000 Children Are Supreme Gift of Married Life
October 18, 2000 Children: a Message of Life and Hope
October 25, 2000 The Son of Man Gave His Life as Ransom
October 25, 2000 Eucharist, Banquet of Communion with God
November  2000 A Response to 'The Vatican and the Holocaust'
November 1, 2000 Even the Greatest Champions Need Christ
November 1, 2000 Sport Builds Friendship and Goodwill
November 1, 2000 The Eucharist, A Taste of Eternity in Time
November 1, 2000 In Christ You Can Face the Future with Hope
November 8, 2000 Political Service Calls for Unswerving Morality
November 8, 2000 Act According to Truth and Conscience
November 8, 2000 Freedom Cannot be Sundered from Truth
November 8, 2000 Humility was Basis of Mary's Holiness
November 8, 2000 Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter Proclaiming St. Thomas More Patron of Statesmen and Politicians
November 8, 2000 Human Law Cannot Contradict Natural Law
November 9, 2000 Joint Communique of Pope John Paul II and Catholicos Karekin II
November 15, 2000 We Must Be the Custodians of Nature
November 15, 2000 We Pray That All May Be One
November 15, 2000 Sport Can Help to Build Civil Society
November 15, 2000 Eucharist is Sacrament of the Church's Unity
November 22, 2000 Culture and Holiness: a Winning Combination
November 22, 2000 Sports Should Provide Healthy Recreation
November 22, 2000 Make the Gospel Your Code of Conduct
November 22, 2000 Build an Ever More Peaceful Society
November 22, 2000 Earth is Entrusted to Man's Use, Not Abuse
November 22, 2000 A Deeper Communion with Peter's Successor
November 22, 2000 Do Not Close the Doors of Your Hearts
November 22, 2000 Word, Eucharist and Divided Christians
November 29, 2000 Rediscover the Council's Great Wealth
November 29, 2000 Love Binds All Christian Communities
November 29, 2000 Truth Cannot be Subject to Negotiation
December 6, 2000 We Make Your Gifts and Problems Our Own
December 6, 2000 Medicine Must Serve Man's Total Well-being
December 6, 2000 God the Father Offers Salvation to All Nations
December 7, 2000 General Audience Address -- December 6, 2000
December 13, 2000 May All Flesh See God's Salvation
December 13, 2000 In You, Mary, Love Has Triumphed
December 13, 2000 All Are Called to Build God's Kingdom
December 13, 2000 Basic Rights Do Not Depend on Positive Law
December 13, 2000 Debt Relief Must Enable Poor Countries to Fight Poverty
December 13, 2000 We Must Encourage Close Collaboration Between Our Churches
December 20, 2000 Spreading Joy Is Genuine Form of Love
December 20, 2000 Your First Commitment Is to Prayer
December 20, 2000 You Guard the True Spirit of the Game
December 20, 2000 God Entrusted the Earth to Our Stewardship
December 20, 2000 Everyone Has Right to a Dignified Life
December 20, 2000 Dialogue Between Cultures for a Civilization of Love and Peace
January 3, 2001 May the Light of this Night Shine Upon the Future
January 3, 2001 Focus on Our Lord's Birth
January 3, 2001 Enliven History and Culture with Good News
January 3, 2001 Start Again from Christ: Be His Witnesses in the New Millennium
January 3, 2001 Christmas Incorporates Mystery of Easter
January 3, 2001 The Old Had Passed Away, the New Has Come
January 3, 2001 Secret of Church's Dynamism Is Christ
January 6, 2001 Novo Millennio Ineunte
January 10, 2001 Set Out Anew from Christ!
January 10, 2001 Jesus' Birth Reveals Depth of God's Love
January 10, 2001 Ethical Banking Promotes the Common Good
January 17, 2001 Leaders of Society Must Ensure That People Are Never Objects
January 17, 2001 Proclaim the Truth About God and Man
January 17, 2001 Jesus Christ Is the World's True Wealth
January 17, 2001 Jubilee Commitment to Freedom and Justice
January 17, 2001 Keep Your Eye on the Heavenly Goal
January 17, 2001 Media Must Never Forget the Moral Dimension
January 24, 2001 We Must Preach from the Housetops
January 24, 2001 God Is the Supreme Source of Human Dignity and Rights
January 24, 2001 I Have the Joy of Announcing 37 New Cardinals
January 24, 2001 God Bless You and the American People
January 24, 2001 God Made Man the Steward of Creation
January 28, 2001 Tend the Flock and Be Examples to It
January 31, 2001 Let Us Go Forward Together to Full Unity!
January 31, 2001 Go and Make Disciples of All Nations
January 31, 2001 A Future More Worthy of the Human Person
February  2001 2001 Lenten Message from Pope John Paul II: Love is not resentful
February 7, 2001 Sacred Music Is Integral Part of Liturgy
February 7, 2001 Popular Liturgical Song Is Bond of Unity
February 7, 2001 We Are More Aware Than Ever of the Need to Defend and Nurture Life
February 7, 2001 Like Candles, Burn with the Love of Christ
February 7, 2001 God Himself Is the Author of Marriage
February 7, 2001 We Look to New Heavens and New Earth
February 14, 2001 The Sick Are a Word of Hope and Joy
February 14, 2001 Making the Church the School of Communion Is Your Great Challenge
February 14, 2001 Cross of Christ Is Guarantee of Victory
February 14, 2001 The Church, a Bride Adorned for Her Husband
February 21, 2001 Thank You for Your Fidelity to Christ
February 21, 2001 All Creation Will Be 'Recapitulated' in Christ
February 21, 2001 Do Not Be Afraid to Speak Out in Defence of Just Causes
February 21, 2001 Make Charity the Hallmark of All Your Pastoral Activity
February 21, 2001 Migrants Are Eloquent Image of the Pilgrim
February 21, 2001 The Pastoral Care of Migrants: a Way of Accomplishing the Church's Mission Today
February 28, 2001 You Must Take Up Your Cross Daily
February 28, 2001 Homily for Ash Wednesday, 2001
February 28, 2001 You Are Eloquent Signs of Communion
March 7, 2001 Bear Witness Everywhere to Christ, Our Hope
March 7, 2001 Now is the Time for Reconciliation
March 7, 2001 Hear His Voice and Harden Not Your Hearts
March 7, 2001 All God's People Must be Involved in the Vast Work of Evangelization
March 7, 2001 Apostolic Letter for the 1,700th Anniversary of the Baptism of the Armenian People
March 11, 2001 Beatification of José Aparicio Sanz and 232 Companions
March 14, 2001 They Died Solely for Being Christians
March 14, 2001 We Are Certain That Life Will Triumph
March 14, 2001 Continue Your Patient, Determined Dialogue with the Public Authorities
March 19, 2001 Homily on the Solemnity of St. Joseph
March 21, 2001 Love and Serve the Church Like St Joseph
March 21, 2001 Look To the Future with Faith and Trust
March 21, 2001 Express Your Love By Fidelity To Prayer
March 21, 2001 Mary, Eschatological Icon of the Church
March 21, 2001 Family Is the Privileged Place For Living and Transmitting the Faith
March 21, 2001 New Season of Evangelization Awaits Us
March 25, 2001 Letter for Holy Thursday 2001
March 28, 2001 Christ's Image Shines in Every Human Being
March 28, 2001 Speaking the Truth Is Heart of Media Ethics
March 28, 2001 Now Is the Time To Pursue Daring Goals
March 28, 2001 Mary Leads Us on a Pilgrimage of Faith
April 4, 2001 The Proclamation of Christ in Asia Requires Careful and Extended Effort
April 4, 2001 Open America's Doors To Christ
April 4, 2001 We Must Follow in the Martyrs' Footsteps
April 4, 2001 Proclaim the Gospel of Mercy
April 4, 2001 Psalter Is Ideal Source of Christian Prayer
April 4, 2001 True Salvation Is Found in the Cross of Christ
April 4, 2001 Scapular of Carmel, a Treasure For the Church
April 11, 2001 The Cross: Path of Life and Salvation
April 11, 2001 Put Your Enthusiasm at Christ's Service
April 11, 2001 Christ Says To All: Go and Sin No More
April 11, 2001 The Spirit Prays Through Us in the Psalms
April 11, 2001 Catechesis Should Follow Jubilee Return To Confession
April 11, 2001 New Enthusiasm For Christ’s Message
April 12, 2001 Pope's Homily for Mass of the Lord's Supper, 2001
April 13, 2001 Way of the Cross Remarks, Good Friday, 2001
April 14, 2001 Pope's Homily for Easter Vigil, Easter 2001
April 15, 2001 Urbi et Orbi Message and Blessing, Easter 2001
April 18, 2001 Celebrating the Sign of the Oil of Gladness
April 18, 2001 Last Supper Sets Mystery of Love Before Us
April 18, 2001 This Is the Wood of the Cross: Come, Let Us Worship
April 18, 2001 Death Gives Way To the Life That Dies No More
April 18, 2001 Reflect on Christ's Boundless Love
April 18, 2001 Light of Easter Dispels Darkness of Fear
April 25, 2001 Divine Mercy: the Gift of Easter
April 25, 2001 Contemplating the Face of the Risen Lord
April 25, 2001 Making Christ Known Must Be Centre of Every Pastoral Project
April 25, 2001 Docile To the Spirit, Loyal To the Church
May 2, 2001 Holiness Is Accessible To All
May 2, 2001 Ethics Must Safeguard the Human
May 2, 2001 My Soul Is Thirsting For You, O Lord
May 4, 2001 Jubilee Pilgrimage to Greece, Syria and Malta, 2001
May 4, 2001 Welcome Ceremony at the Presidential Palace of Athens
May 4, 2001 Address of John Paul II To His Beatitude Christodoulos
May 4, 2001 Address of John Paul II To the Catholic Bishops of Greece
May 4, 2001 Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and His Beatitude Christodoulos
May 5, 2001 Mass at the Sport Palace
May 5, 2001 Welcome Ceremony - International Airport of Damascus
May 5, 2001 Ecumenical Meeting at the Greek-Orthodox Cathedral
May 6, 2001 Meeting with the Muslim leaders - Omayyad Great Mosque, Damascus
May 6, 2001 Meeting with Clergy, Religious and Christian Laity of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches of Syria
May 6, 2001 Meeting with Patriarchs and Bishops of Syria at the Greek-Catholic Patriarchate of Damascus
May 6, 2001 Regina Coeli Message
May 6, 2001 Holy Mass at the Abbassyin Stadium of Damascus
May 7, 2001 Youth Meeting at the Greek-Catholic Cathedral - Damascus
May 7, 2001 Prayer For Peace at the Greek-Orthodox Church in Quneitra
May 8, 2001 Welcome Ceremony in Malta
May 8, 2001 Farewell Ceremony - International Airport of Damascus
May 9, 2001 Mass with Beatification
May 9, 2001 Meeting with the Members of the Societas Doctrinae Christianae
May 9, 2001 Farewell Ceremony
May 9, 2001 Let Every Creature Bless the Lord
May 9, 2001 Give New Impetus To Evangelization and Pastoral Care of Family and Youth
May 9, 2001 Holiness Renews Gospel Proclamation
May 16, 2001 Offer Yourselves with Christ For the Church
May 16, 2001 We Should Intensify Our Prayers For Peace in the Land of Jesus
May 23, 2001 Paraclete, Perennial Soul of the Church
May 23, 2001 Bishops Serve the Lord with Joy; He Called Them and Gives Support and Grace
May 23, 2001 Christ Is Cornerstone of Catholic Pedagogy
May 23, 2001 I Concluded My Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of St. Paul
May 30, 2001 The Lord Crowns the Poor with Salvation
May 30, 2001 Jubilee Grace Calls for Christ Centered Personal and Pastoral Life
May 30, 2001 Christian Contemplation Does Not Mean to Forget Earth
June 6, 2001 Power of Holy Spirit for World Mission
June 6, 2001 Trust in God Who Supports Faithful
June 6, 2001 Foster National Reconciliation After Bloodshed During Civil War
June 6, 2001 Message To Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia
June 13, 2001 Saints Reflect Infinite Love of Trinity
June 13, 2001 Be Contemplatives in Action Like the Saints
June 13, 2001 All Is Grace
June 13, 2001 Life Hidden in Christ Is Living Cross for World
June 13, 2001 Your Rule: Break Bonds That Make Us Slaves of Sin
June 13, 2001 Church's Mission in Africa Depends on Formation Given to Evangelizers
June 13, 2001 You Are Sent into the World to be of Christ
June 13, 2001 Christian Personalism Protects Human Conception
June 13, 2001 Diplomacy Defends Human Person As Image of God
June 20, 2001 In Eucharist We Find Invisible Face of Christ
June 20, 2001 The Lord Solemnly Proclaims His Word
June 20, 2001 Brotherhood and Solidarity Will Not Fail to Achieve True Reconciliation
June 27, 2001 John the Baptist, an Enduring Model of Fidelity to God
June 27, 2001 I Greet You, Ukraine, Brave Witness to the Faith
June 27, 2001 I Have Come Among You as a Pilgrim of Peace
June 27, 2001 Ecumenical Dialogue Must Be an Indispensable Priority
June 27, 2001 There Is No True Democracy Where One Of The Fundamental Freedoms Of The Person Is Trampled On
June 27, 2001 Byzantine Liturgy Is Proof Of Unity And
Diversity That Belong To Ecclesial Communion
June 27, 2001 The Lord Enters His Temple
June 27, 2001 Doctors Protest Conscience Discrimination
June 27, 2001 World Mission Sunday
July 4, 2001 Be Generous Witnesses To Risen Lord
July 4, 2001 Special Bond Of Communion Uniting You With Peter
July 4, 2001 Seek Ways That Will Enable Us To Resolve The Divergences That Still Endure
July 4, 2001 We Need An Ethical Code For Tourism
July 4, 2001 The Ecumenism Of The Martyrs And Christian Witnesses Points Out The Path Of Unity
July 4, 2001 Together You Can Build The Future
July 4, 2001 The Holy Father Wrote A Letter For Golden Anniversary Of The Priestly Ordination Of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
July 4, 2001 Sentinels Of A New Dawn Of Hope
July 4, 2001 Work For The Triumph Of What Unites Over What Divides
July 11, 2001 Pope Asks G-8 To Hear The Cry Of The Poor Nations
July 11, 2001 'Globalization of Solidarity'
July 11, 2001 Pope's Trip Fulfils Old Dream
July 11, 2001 Carry Out Your Global Pastoral Plan 2001-2006 With Missionary Zeal
July 11, 2001 Missionary Task Must First Confirm The Faithful In Their Faith
July 11, 2001 Movements Help Priests To Keep Special Identity
July 11, 2001 AIDS Has Become Economic Problem
July 18, 2001 Holiness Is The Price Of Fruitful Ministry
July 18, 2001 Charles de Foucauld, Model Of Adoration And Dialogue
July 18, 2001 See The Loving Hand Of Our Father At Work In Mysteries Of Creation
July 18, 2001 Conditions Outlined For Transplants To Humans Of Animal Organs
July 18, 2001 Work For Restoration Of Full Communion Between East And West
July 23, 2001 Pope John Paul and President Bush at Castelgandalfo
July 25, 2001 To Accept Christ Is To Meet And Accept All People
July 25, 2001 The Honour Of Being A Human Person Is More Comprehensible In Heaven
July 25, 2001 For the Conclusion of the 'Hungarian Millennium'
August 1, 2001 Providence Protects The Faithful Believer
August 8, 2001 Altar Service Is A True Holy Service
August 8, 2001 You Are The Salt Of The Earth...You Are The Light Of The World
August 22, 2001 In Mary The Lord's Promise Is Fulfilled
August 22, 2001 Have Life, And Have It Abundantly
August 22, 2001 Praise God For Mysterious Workings Of Providence
August 29, 2001 Malice Of Sinner Vs. Goodness Of Lord
September  2001 There Is One God And There Is One Mediator
September  2001 Prayer In Times Of Suffering
September  2001 Kazakhstan Has Always Been A Land Where Different
September 5, 2001 The Lord, Creator Of The World, Protects His People
September 5, 2001 The Fundamental Task Of The Family Is To Serve Life
September 12, 2001 Marriage, Family Merit Special Attention To Avoid De Facto Unions
September 12, 2001 What Is Scientifically Feasible Is Not Always Morally Licit
September 12, 2001 Praise The Lord, King Of All The Earth
September 12, 2001 Pope Offers Prayers for Americans during the WTC and Pentagon Tragedy
September 12, 2001 Pope Expresses Shock at Inhuman Terrorist Attacks on U.S.
September 12, 2001 Proposes Prayer and Fasting to Counteract Violence
September 19, 2001 Beg The Lord That The Spiral Of Hatred And Violence Will Not Prevail
September 19, 2001 Revolution of Freedom Needs Revolution of Opportunity
September 19, 2001 Jesus reveals loving face of the Father
September 19, 2001 May the Blessed Virgin bring comfort to those who suffer in the tragedy
September 26, 2001 To Mary I Entrust All Of You: Christians And Non-Christians Alike
September 26, 2001 Put The Church On The Map
September 26, 2001 Allow Me To Profess Before You With Humility And Pride The Faith Of Christians
September 26, 2001 To The Power Of Witness, Add The Gentleness Of Personal Dialogue
September 26, 2001 I Wish To Reaffirm The Catholic Church's Respect For Islam, For Authentic Islam
September 26, 2001 Your Country Has A Special Vocation
September 26, 2001 The Religious Sentiment Of The Faithful Needs Constant Evangelization
October 3, 2001 I Am On A Spiritual Journey
October 3, 2001 Your Gospel For The Sake Of The World
October 3, 2001 I Pay Tribute To This Temple, Which Bears On Its Columns The Sign Of Martyrdom
October 3, 2001 You Cherish The Cross, It Is Life
October 3, 2001 As We Work For Full Communion, Let Us Do Together We What Do Not Have To Do Separately
October 3, 2001 We Are Appalled By The Terrible Violence Done To The Armenian People
October 3, 2001 I Express My Thanks To You
October 3, 2001 Choose Democratic Options That Guarantee Fundamental Human Rights
October 10, 2001 The Just Man Lives By Faith
October 10, 2001 Blesseds Show Us The Church In The Glory Of Christ
October 10, 2001 Concentrate On The Relationship Of Love With Christ
October 10, 2001 Religion Must Never Be Reason For Violence
October 17, 2001 Work Calls For More Than An Economic Evaluation
October 17, 2001 Wisdom Has To Be The Core Of All Human Formation
October 17, 2001 Listen To Good News Of Consolation
October 24, 2001 This Couple Said Yes To Christ's Question
October 24, 2001 True Criterion Of Family Is Loving Marital Union
October 24, 2001 As The Family Goes, So Goes The World
October 24, 2001 O God We Ponder Your Love Within Your Temple
October 31, 2001 Care Of Souls Is Primary Task Of Bishop, The
October 31, 2001 Message Of His Holiness Pope John Paul II For The Fourth Centenary Of The Arrival In Beijing Of Matteo Ricci, S.J.
October 31, 2001 Against You Alone Have I Sinned
November 7, 2001 The Blesseds Shared The Mission Of Christ
November 7, 2001 Mystery and Providence of God
November 14, 2001 Theological Formation Needs Ecclesial Dimension
November 14, 2001 World Day Of Migrants And Refugees
November 14, 2001 Discern The Face Of God In The Hungry
November 14, 2001 Let The World Praise Faithful God
November 21, 2001 Coming Of The Kingdom Demands Generous Cooperation
November 21, 2001 Lifelong Christian Training Enables Us To Hear The Voice Of Christ The Teacher
November 21, 2001 Spirituality Of Dialogue Gives Reasons For Persevering
November 21, 2001 Promote Understanding Between Cultures
November 21, 2001 Praise God For The Gift Of His Law
November 21, 2001 Ecclesial Theology Of Communion Is Central
November 22, 2001 Ecclesia in Oceania
November 28, 2001 Spirit Calls Church To Task Of New Evangelization
November 28, 2001 Asians Have To Evangelize Asians, Be In Dialogue With Ancient Cultures
November 28, 2001 Be Resolute In Following The Path Of Evangelical Freedom
November 28, 2001 Sing To The Lord For He Is Triumphant
December 1, 2001 Without Eucharistic Worship As Heart, Parish Dries Up
December 5, 2001 Continue Evangelizing In And Through The Media
December 5, 2001 Prayer, Dialogue, Shared Witness Are Ways Of Waiting For The Spirit To Come
December 5, 2001 All Peoples Praise God's Faithful Love
December 5, 2001 Message Of Pope John Paul II For The 39th World Day Of Prayer For Vocations
December 5, 2001 Ecclesial Heritage Of East Belongs To Whole Church
December 12, 2001 Time To Fast And Pray For Peace, A
December 12, 2001 Carry On The Nation's Reconstruction With Focus On Dignity Of The Person
December 12, 2001 Promote The Social Doctrine Of The Church To Improve The Social Order
December 12, 2001 Bring The Light Of The Gospel To Every Sector Through Evangelization, Catechesis
December 12, 2001 How Christian Scholars Can Evaluate Modernity
December 12, 2001 Time To Examine Biomedical Experimentation
December 12, 2001 Help Immigrants To Be Integrated In New Milieu
December 12, 2001 Stone Rejected ... Has Become Cornerstone, The
December 19, 2001 Rejoice, We Do Not Wait In Vain For Christ
December 19, 2001 Pope Urges Lifting Of Embargo, Just Peace Stops Terrorism
December 19, 2001 No Peace Without Justice No Justice Without Forgiveness
December 19, 2001 Canticle Uses Language Of Love
January 1, 2002 With Mary, Let Us Contemplate The Face Of Christ
January 2, 2002 Proclaim Christ Child's Message Of Hope Throughout The World
January 2, 2002 Guarantee A Future Of Peace To All
January 2, 2002 Now Is The Time For Conversion To Peace
January 8, 2002 Be An Epiphany Of Christ, Of His Merciful Love
January 9, 2002 Star Shall Come From Jacob, A
January 9, 2002 Te Deum, First Vespers Of Mother Of God
January 9, 2002 No One Can Kill In The Name Of The One God
January 9, 2002 Service To Life Grows Out Of Communion Of Persons
January 9, 2002 There Is A Basic Right To Proper Diet
January 9, 2002 Contemplate The Mystery Of The Incarnation
January 23, 2002 Eucharist Includes Drama Of Sacrifice Of Cross
January 23, 2002 Will God Hear The Prayer Of His Faithful?
January 30, 2002 Religion Has The Resources To Build Peace
January 30, 2002 Internet: A New Forum For Proclaiming The Gospel
January 30, 2002 Glimmers Of Hope During The Exile
February 5, 2002 Message of the Holy Father for Lent 2002
February 6, 2002 Light For The Nations, Glory Of Israel
February 6, 2002 There Is A Personal And A Social Right To Religious Freedom
February 6, 2002 Provide Education And Support For Church Persons From Other Parts Of Asia
February 6, 2002 Holy Father Sets Up Apostolic Administration In Brazil For Reconciled Schismatics
February 6, 2002 Good Of Indissolubility, Good Of Marriage
February 6, 2002 God Creator Creates Brilliance Of Sun
February 13, 2002 True Love Knows How To Roll Up Its Sleeves
February 13, 2002 Thank You For Daily Service To Sector Of Education
February 13, 2002 Pope John: Daily Striving For Holiness, Optimism
February 13, 2002 Why Be Afraid Of Opening Learning To Faith?
February 13, 2002 Love Of God And Neighbour Release Power Of Christ
February 13, 2002 With Confidence On Road Toward The Heavenly 'Zion'
February 16, 2002 Address of John Paul II to the Members of the Scotus Commission
February 20, 2002 Lent Is The Time For A Conversion Along The Path Of Free Gift
February 20, 2002 Holy Father Urges Argentines To Make Examination Of Conscience
February 20, 2002 Health Is A Gift Of God; Suffering Has Value
February 27, 2002 Lay Activity Calls For Greater Presence Of Priests
March 6, 2002 Holy Father Encourages Church To Embrace Internet Creatively
March 6, 2002 Ecclesial Communion Brings Life To Theology
March 6, 2002 Canticle Of Thanksgiving After Nightmare Of Illness
March 13, 2002 Tend Towards The Ecumenism Of Holiness
March 13, 2002 New Evangelization Will Be An Effective Remedy For Present Troubles
March 13, 2002 Non-negotiable Right To Life Not Based On Social
March 13, 2002 Promote Medicine Respecting The Patient As Person
March 13, 2002 Catacombs: Witness To Early Heroism
March 13, 2002 To You All Flesh Shall Come With Its Burden Of Sin
March 20, 2002 To Transmit The Faith We Need Cultures Open To Christ
March 20, 2002 God Renews The Saving Wonders Of His Love
March 20, 2002 By Going To Confession Priests Become Holy
March 21, 2002 Holy Thursday Letter to Priests
March 27, 2002 Carry Cross In Triumph, The Proof That God Is Love
March 27, 2002 Humble Hope In God, Rejoice In Him, The
April 3, 2002 Peace Of Christ Will Dispel Hostility
April 3, 2002 Blessed Night, That Sees Christ Rising From The Dead!
April 3, 2002 Lord Has Anointed Me, The
April 3, 2002 Eucharist, Washing Of Feet, New Commandment
April 3, 2002 Human History Is Fulfilled In Paschal Mystery
April 10, 2002 Lord's Promise To Remain With Us Is A Beacon Of Light
April 10, 2002 Glory Of The Lord, Judge Of The World, The
April 17, 2002 Shepherd Of Israel, Come To Our Aid!, O
April 24, 2002 Great Is The Mystery Placed In Your Hands
April 24, 2002 Draw Water With Joy At The Fountain Of Salvation
April 24, 2002 Priestly Life: Conversion Of Life, Evangelical Poverty, Celibacy, Service
April 24, 2002 Change Idea: Older Citizens As Resource, Not Burden
April 24, 2002 Balance Profit, Service To Poor, Research
April 24, 2002 Globalization Of Solidarity Prevents Further Poverty
April 24, 2002 Evangelization, Discern Signs Of Times, Cooperation
April 24, 2002 Pastors Must Inspire Trust in People
May 1, 2002 A Love That Frees The Oppressed From Their Burdens
May 1, 2002 Bolivians Have To Promote Common Good, Social Unity, Respect For Human Rights
May 8, 2002 Misericordia Dei
May 8, 2002 True Evangelization Entails Development Of Person In Society
May 8, 2002 Pray The Rosary Daily For The Gift Of Peace
May 8, 2002 Move Forward With Initiatives To Evangelize This Sector
May 15, 2002 Where Sin Abounded, Grace Was More Abundant!
May 15, 2002 Quality Television Programmes For Children
May 15, 2002 Remember You Are First And Foremost Priests: Not Corporate Executives
May 22, 2002 Saints Witness To Abiding Power Of Spirit
May 22, 2002 Beware Of Promethean Ambitions In Research
May 22, 2002 Lord Comes To Judge The Earth, The
May 29, 2002 True Religion Opposes Violence As Offensive To The Name Of God
May 29, 2002 As Long As I Have Breath Within Me I Shall Cry Out: 'Peace, In The Name Of God'
May 29, 2002 Sts Cyril And Methodius: Christian Faith Does Not Stifle But Purifies, Exalts, Integrates Cultural Values
May 29, 2002 Thinking Of The New Beati I Feel Bound To Honour The Memory Of The Martyrs Of The Orthodox Church
May 29, 2002 Your Mission Is To Preserve The Faith And Bear Witness With Prophetic Life
May 29, 2002 Have Never Ceased To Love Bulgarian People' Who Saved Thousands Of Jews In World War II, 'I
May 29, 2002 Full Communion Removes Scandal Of Division, Does Not Mean Absorption, Fusion
May 29, 2002 In Charity They Experience Sentiments Of Christ: Meek, Humble Of Heart, Share In God's Love
May 29, 2002 Create Special Programmes For Native Vocations Without Causing Discrimination
June 5, 2002 Eucharist Lifegiving Bread Makes The Church
June 5, 2002 Spread Beautiful Fragrance Of Christ's Holiness
June 5, 2002 Woe To Me If I Do Not Preach The Gospel
June 5, 2002 Mission Is The Work Of Bringing Everyone Face To Face With Christ, The
June 5, 2002 World Mission Sunday
June 5, 2002 Continue Reflection On Allied Human Rights Issues
June 12, 2002 Evangelization: Cultural Project, Family Life, Vocations
June 12, 2002 Common Declaration
June 12, 2002 Apply The Church's Social Teaching To The World Of Work
June 12, 2002 Jerusalem, Praise Your Saving God
June 19, 2002 Glory Of The Cross Shines In Padre Pio
June 19, 2002 Respond To Recent Social Problems By Helping Those In Need
June 19, 2002 Consecration Calls For Conversion, Social Change
June 19, 2002 He Passed On The Word Of God To The Faithful
June 19, 2002 Sing In Praise Of Christ's Redeeming Work
June 26, 2002 In Adoration Before The Tabernacle, Contemplate The Face Of Christ
June 26, 2002 Fidelity Is The Best Response To God's Benefits
July 3, 2002 Rome, Be Faithful To Your Dignity
July 3, 2002 Found Human Rights, Values In Transcendence
July 3, 2002 Favour Tourism That Respects People, Environment
July 3, 2002 Problem Of Evil: Evil In Free Human Person
July 3, 2002 Contemplation Involves Surrender To Primacy Of Grace
July 3, 2002 All Are Called To Witness To Christ In World
July 3, 2002 How Great Is Your Name Through All The Earth
July 10, 2002 True Evangelization Sparks A Passion For Gospel Ideals
July 10, 2002 God Is Our Strength In The Storms Of Life
July 17, 2002 Give Praise And Glory To God For Creation
July 17, 2002 Charitable Acts Make Christ's Gospel More Credible
July 17, 2002 Maria Goretti: Example For Young People
July 24, 2002 Praise To Him Who Sits Upon The Throne
July 31, 2002 Be Salt Of The Earth, Light Of The World
July 31, 2002 Thank You For Holding WYD
July 31, 2002 A Special Time To Listen To The Lord, On This Lake Jesus Makes A Proposal To You
July 31, 2002 Be The People Of The Beatitudes
July 31, 2002 With Affection In The Lord I Greet You. Jesus Will Teach You How To Pray
July 31, 2002 Build The City Of God
July 31, 2002 May The Noble Guatamalan People Begin To Enjoy Peace And Reconciliation
July 31, 2002 Transform The Community Into A Great Family Sowing The Spirit Of Pardon, Mercy
August 7, 2002 I Express My Closeness To The Indigenous People, Guadalupe And St. Juan Diego Have A Deep Missionary Meaning
August 7, 2002 Blesseds Encourage Indigenous People Today To Make Their Contribution To Evangelization
August 21, 2002 Mercy Of God Is Reflected In Human Mercy, The
August 21, 2002 Follow The Social Teaching Of The Church. Build The House Of The Nation On Justice, Love And Peace
August 21, 2002 Be Appealing Witnesses Of Mercy In Our Day. Christ Embraces You With His Merciful Love
August 21, 2002 Gospel Changes, Enriches Traditional Culture, The
August 21, 2002 I Entrust The World To Divine Mercy
August 21, 2002 Most Holy Mother, To You I Entrust The Future Of The Church, Of The Nation
August 21, 2002 Affirm The Spiritual Unity Of The Nation
August 28, 2002 May The Message Of God's Mercy Bring Peace To The World
August 28, 2002 Beauty (Of Christ) Will Save The World, The
September 4, 2002 Heaven's Peace And Life Is Our Destination
September 11, 2002 Communion Requires Preserving The Deposit Of Faith, Unity With Pope, Bishops
September 11, 2002 Seminaries: Prepare Sound Young Men To Follow Christ In A Secularized Society
September 11, 2002 The Spirit Of Assisi Is More Necessary Than Before
September 11, 2002 They Shall Beat Their Swords Into Plowshares
September 18, 2002 Give Young People Hope For The Future
September 18, 2002 Pastors Should Be Men Of Faith, United, Capable Of Facing Secularized Society
September 25, 2002 Lord Reigns From The Cross, The
October 2, 2002 Teach Essential Distinction Between Ministerial Priesthood And Royal Priesthood Of Baptized
October 2, 2002 Show Us, O Lord, Your Mercy; Grant ... Salvation
October 9, 2002 St. Bridget: A Unique Model Of Feminine Holiness
October 9, 2002 Transform The World From Within
October 9, 2002 Christian Optimism: See A Loving Father At Work
October 9, 2002 Assent To Christ's Truth In Its Fullness Is Goal Of Ecumenism
October 9, 2002 My Peace I Give To You, My Peace I Leave You
October 16, 2002 Address Of Pope John Paul II
October 16, 2002 Common Declaration
October 16, 2002 Mass For Christian Unity Of The Holy Father John Paul II In The Presence Of His Beatitude Teoctist
October 16, 2002 God Is Offering His Salvation To The Whole World
October 16, 2002 On the Most Holy Rosary (Rosarium Virginis Mariae)
October 23, 2002 Please Promote The Year Of The Rosary
October 23, 2002 Catechism Is A Sound Tool For Ecclesial Communion
October 23, 2002 Signing Apostolic Letter, Year Of The Rosary
October 30, 2002 Parents Must Give More Time To Their Children
October 30, 2002 Foster Christian Culture, Recognize Indissolubility Of Marriage
October 30, 2002 All Nations Shall Come And Adore You, O Lord
November 6, 2002 Proclaim Gospel In Word And Deed
November 6, 2002 For Effective Contribution Laity Have To Collaborate With Their Pastors
November 6, 2002 To Communicate Gospel Art Is Extremely Helpful
November 6, 2002 Lord Will Judge With Justice, The
November 13, 2002 In Eucharist Christ Comes As Light, Life Of The World
November 13, 2002 Reconciliation, Purification Of Memory, Return To Normal Ecclesial Life, Formation Of Young Persons
November 13, 2002 May Your Kingdom Come
November 20, 2002 Spirit Of Welcome Must Be Present Everywhere, The
November 20, 2002 Italy, Be Proud Of Your Christian Roots
November 20, 2002 Science Should Serve Humanity, Build Peace
November 20, 2002 Jerusalem, Mother Of All Peoples
November 27, 2002 Fundamental and Irreplaceable Mission of the Family, The
November 27, 2002 Almighty God, Omniscient Lord, Loving Shepherd
December 4, 2002 Be Alert, Go Forward On The Path Of Faith, Solidarity
December 4, 2002 Brazil Needs An Ethical Conception Of Social Life
December 4, 2002 Formation, Synodal Elections, Catechetics
December 4, 2002 Eucharist Renews Laity's Mission To Consecrate The World, The
December 4, 2002 Create Christian Vision Of Person In Communications
December 4, 2002 Christian Soul: Biological Engineering, Communications
December 4, 2002 Decree: Re-ordering Curriculum For Study Of Canon Law
December 4, 2002 Holy Is The Lord Our God
December 11, 2002 Christian Humanism Shapes Secular Disciplines
December 11, 2002 What Does It Mean To Be A Professional Journalist Who Is Catholic?
December 11, 2002 Overcome Racism, Xenophobia Towards Immigrants
December 11, 2002 Take Not Your Holy Spirit From Me
December 24, 2002 Christmas Midnight Mass - Holy Father's Homily
January 1, 2003 The Christian Family: Good News
January 1, 2003 Our Whole Life Should Be An 'Advent'
January 1, 2003 Christ Child, Sign Of Peace And Freedom, The
January 8, 2003 Peace Is Possible And Is a Duty
January 15, 2003 No To Death, No To Selfishness, No To War, Yes To Life, Yes To Peace
January 15, 2003 Build The Defences Of Peace In People's Minds
January 15, 2003 In Prayer We Abandon Ourselves To God's Embrace
January 22, 2003 Promote The Spirituality Of Christian Marriage
January 22, 2003 Begin The Day With Prayer: Let Christ Be Light Of Day
January 29, 2003 Spiritual Ecumenism Is Soul Of Ecumenical Movement
January 29, 2003 Communications Media At The Service Of Peace
January 29, 2003 Family Is Setting For Conception, Growth Of Human Person
January 29, 2003 All The Baptized Have Duty To Seek Full Unity
February 5, 2003 Son Of Man Has Not Come To Be Served, But To Serve, And To Give His Life ..., The
February 5, 2003 Counteract Growth Of The Religious Sects By Emphasizing The Centrality Of The Eucharist
February 5, 2003 Natural Marriage Already Has Sacred Dimension
February 5, 2003 Means To Exercise Authority In Pastoral Way
February 5, 2003 True Wisdom Is A Participation In The Mind Of God
February 12, 2003 Redouble Your Efforts For Peace; War Is Never Unavoidable
February 12, 2003 Promote The Culture Of Life Vigorously
February 12, 2003 Spirit Is Guiding The Church Toward Full Unity, The
February 12, 2003 Pursue The Work Of Rebuilding In Spirit Of Dialogue
February 12, 2003 More Blessed To Give Than To Receive, It Is
February 12, 2003 Prayer Is Ray Of Light In Self-Sufficient World
February 19, 2003 Rosary Offers Christian Response To Problem Of Suffering
February 19, 2003 Collegial Union, Collegial Affection Needed To Fulfil Pastoral Mission
February 19, 2003 Family, Young People In Cities, Are Priorities
February 19, 2003 In All Our Trials, God Has The Last Word
February 26, 2003 Show The Transformative Power Of Catholic Life And Teaching
February 26, 2003 Perform The Work Of Evangelization, National Reconciliation
February 26, 2003 Mary And The Mission Of The Church In The Year Of The Rosary
February 26, 2003 Bless The Lord All You Works Of The Lord
March 5, 2003 Be Determined To Live The Gospel Of Peace, Witness To God's Unconditional Love
March 5, 2003 Avoid Temptation To Manipulate Human Beings
March 5, 2003 Music, Hymnody Should Be Worthy Of The Greatness Of The Liturgy
March 12, 2003 Only Conversion Of Heart Can Banish Threats Of War
March 12, 2003 New Evangelization For Revitalizing Christian Life
March 12, 2003 Ecumenical Initiatives, Family Life, Formation Of Young, European Integration Without Losing Christian Values
March 12, 2003 In Times Of Difficulty Say, 'Jesus, I Trust In You'
March 12, 2003 Reconciled Will Be Effective Peacemakers, The
March 19, 2003 Compendium Should Contain Basic Elements of Faith
March 19, 2003 Renew the Parish with Spirituality of Communion
March 19, 2003 Behold, Your Mother
March 26, 2003 St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
April 17, 2003 On the Eucharist in Its Relationship to the Church (Ecclesia de Eucharistia)
June 28, 2003 Ecclesia in Europa
October 16, 2003 On the Bishop, Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hope of the World
November 5, 2003 Assist the Church's Rebirth in Your Countries
November 19, 2003 Divine and Scientific Truth: Revelation of Man
November 19, 2003 I Cry With My Voice to the Lord!
December 4, 2003 Spiritus et Sponsa
December 5, 2003 On the 40th Anniversary of the Constitution 'Sacrosanctum Concilium' on the Sacred Liturgy
December 8, 2003 An Ever Timely Commitment: Teaching Peace
December 31, 2003 Address to the Bishops of Sudan on Their 'Ad Limina' Visit
December 31, 2003 Urbi et Orbi - Christmas Message
December 31, 2003 Message for 90th World Migration Day
December 31, 2003 Angelus Message for Feast of St. Stephen 2003
December 31, 2003 Homily for Christmas Eve Midnight Mass
December 31, 2003 The Kingdom of God Is At Hand
January 7, 2004 Church and World Need the Witness of the Consecrated Life
January 10, 2004 Keep Priest-Parishioner Distinction
January 12, 2004 2004 Address to the Diplomatic Corps
January 14, 2004 Message for the 41st World Day of Prayer for Vocations
January 14, 2004 Mary, Mother of God!
January 14, 2004 Canticle in the First Letter of Peter
January 21, 2004 Message for World Day of the Sick 2004
January 21, 2004 Message for International Symposium on the Dignity and Rights of the Mentally Disabled Person
January 21, 2004 Ukraine's 'Great Hunger' Tragedy: Learn from the Past
January 21, 2004 'By His Wounds You Have Been Healed'
January 24, 2004 Message for the 38th World Communications Day
January 28, 2004 Fitting Role of Sacred Music in the Holy Liturgy, The
January 29, 2004 Message of Pope John Paul II for Lent 2004
February 4, 2004 World Day of Consecrated Life 2004
February 11, 2004 Address to the Roman Rota — Presume the Validity of a Marriage
February 11, 2004 Respecting the Person and God's Design for Procreation
February 11, 2004 Diocesan Priests Must Find In Christ the Daring to Fulfil Their Mission
February 11, 2004 To Dwell on 'Your Holy Mountain'
February 18, 2004 'Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for Us!'
February 18, 2004 Reaffirm for All the Need to Take Part in Sunday Eucharist
February 18, 2004 Help Everyone 'Meet Christ in the Faith'
February 22, 2004 Message for World Youth Day 2004
February 25, 2004 'Blessed be the Lord!'
February 25, 2004 Homily for Ash Wednesday 2004
February 25, 2004 Rediscover the True Identity of the Diocese as a Family of Communities
February 28, 2004 Pope Urges Authorities to Uphold Laws that Favor Traditional Family
March 3, 2004 Protecting Human Life
March 3, 2004 Helping Childless Couples
March 3, 2004 Education and Example Are Critical for the Catholic Formation of Youth
March 10, 2004 A 'New Springtime' Needed in Evangelization and Catechesis
March 10, 2004 Family Apostolate Is a Gift and Grace for Priests
March 17, 2004 Build a Europe of People's Based on Christian Moral Values
March 17, 2004 Grant Victory, O Lord!
March 24, 2004 Make the Promotion of Vocations Your Absolute Top Priority
March 24, 2004 'For the King Trusts in the Lord!'
March 31, 2004 Persons in 'Vegetative State' Deserve Proper Care
March 31, 2004 Teach the Faithful Sunday's True Meaning and Inspire Them to Live It Fully
March 31, 2004 Be It Done to Me As You Will
April 6, 2004 Holy Thursday Message to Priests 2004
April 7, 2004 The Bishop Must Be a Prophet, Witness and Servant of Hope
April 7, 2004 Confessors Carry the 'Message of Reconciliation'
April 7, 2004 'Worthy Is the Lamb Who Was Slain!'
April 11, 2004 The Strength to Face the Phenomenon of Terrorism
April 14, 2004 God Has Exalted Him!
April 21, 2004 Christ My Hope Is Arisen!
April 21, 2004 Carry Christ to the Campus and the World
April 28, 2004 'The Lord is My Light and My Help!'
April 28, 2004 Giving a 'New Impetus to Historical Studies'
April 29, 2004 Ad Limina Address to Bishops of Baltimore and Washington in 2004
May 5, 2004 Bishops Build the 'Gift and Call' of Holiness, Beginning with Themselves
May 5, 2004 Universities Foster Christianity's 'Great Springtime'
May 5, 2004 'Hope in the Lord!'
May 12, 2004 'We Always Thank God!'
May 12, 2004 Message for 78th World Mission Sunday
May 12, 2004 Bishops Must Relate to Their Priests as a 'Father and Brother Who Loves Them'
May 19, 2004 Avoid All 'Careerism' and Be Models of Holiness for Your Priests
May 19, 2004 'I Will Praise You, Lord!'
May 26, 2004 Happy Those Who Are Forgiven!
May 26, 2004 Promote Solid Famly Life as a Model for United Church Life
May 26, 2004 A Six-year Pontificate, a Dynasty of Evangelizing Zeal
June 2, 2004 'We Give Thanks to You!'
June 2, 2004 Be Prophetic 'Heralds of the Gospel and Teachers of the Faith'
June 9, 2004 Every Catholic Is Called to Heal the Split Between 'Gospel and Culture'
June 9, 2004 'Blessed Is He Who Considers the Poor!'
June 9, 2004 May God Give Peace and Freedom to All Humanity
June 9, 2004 Church Needs Fearless 'Prophets'
June 10, 2004 Eucharist: Source and Summit of Our Being and Action
June 16, 2004 The Holy Spirit Creates Unity
June 16, 2004 Celebrating the Immense Gift of the Lord Jesus
June 23, 2004 'Apostle of Germany' Sows Europe's Christian Roots
June 23, 2004 'God is Our Refuge and Strength!'
June 30, 2004 Catholic Institutions Exist for One Reason Only: 'To Proclaim the Gospel'
June 30, 2004 Promote Reconciliation Which Flows From Evangelization
June 30, 2004 'Just and True Are Your Ways!'
July 7, 2004 'Wonderful Witness of Love'
July 14, 2004 The Eucharist: Your Daily Strength
July 28, 2004 'Your Word is a Lamp for My Steps'
August 4, 2004 'My Happiness Lies in You Alone'
August 18, 2004 'He Emptied Himself!'
August 25, 2004 'Goodness Works Quietly'
August 25, 2004 'Sit On My Right!'
September 1, 2004 'We Have Come to Worship Him!'
September 1, 2004 Serving, not Manipulating, Humanity
September 8, 2004 'We Who Live Bless the Lord!'
September 8, 2004 'Tell Your Priests that I Hold Them in My Heart!'
September 15, 2004 'Every Child is a Treasure'
September 15, 2004 A Holy Champion of the 'Culture of Life'
September 15, 2004 All Church Governance Must Foster Communion and Mission
September 22, 2004 Calling All Christians to the Duty of Evangelizing Culture
September 22, 2004 'Alleluia... Praise Our God!'
September 29, 2004 'We Are Healed!'
September 29, 2004 Help the People of Oceania Understand and Communicate the Faith
September 29, 2004 Mary Protects and Fosters the Faith of Brazil
October 6, 2004 'My Heart Overflows'
October 7, 2004 Mane nobiscum Domine
October 13, 2004 Bishops Must Promote the One and Only Pastoral Plan: 'Holiness'
October 13, 2004 'Listen, O Daughter!'
October 13, 2004 'Let Your Voice be Clearly Heard' In Announcing the Saving Message
October 20, 2004 'Blessed be God!'
October 20, 2004 Love the Eucharist, Christ's Gift of Life
October 20, 2004 Reveal the Salvific Will of God in Pastoral Practice
October 20, 2004 Year of the Eucharist: A Time for Meeting Christ
October 27, 2004 'The Church Needs Holy Priests'
October 27, 2004 'In His Riches, Man Lacks Wisdom!'
October 27, 2004 Sharing the Earth's Resources to Feed the Hungry
October 27, 2004 'The Greatest Reverence Is Due to a Child'
October 27, 2004 Africa and the World Need the Lord's Healing Touch
November 3, 2004 Defend the Holiness of the Family and Its Priority in Society
November 3, 2004 'God will ransom me!'
November 7, 2004 God Is Not God of the Dead, but of the Living
November 10, 2004 'Worthy is the Lamb'
November 17, 2004 'In God Alone be at Rest!'
November 17, 2004 'Paths of Discovery' Always Lead to Truth
November 24, 2004 True Ecumenism Demands Healing, Holiness, Prayer
November 24, 2004 True Compassion Always Respects God's Gift of Life
November 24, 2004 'The Earth has Yielded its Fruit'
December 1, 2004 'Firstborn of All Creation'
December 1, 2004 'The Diocese should always be understood as existing in and for its parishes'
December 1, 2004 Live and Work in the Synod's Spirit: 'Communion'
December 8, 2004 Empowering the Laity to a Proper Exercise of Shared Responsibility
December 8, 2004 'Dare to Call Young People to Follow Christ and Guide Them on Their Way!'
December 8, 2004 'Justice Shall Flourish'
December 8, 2004 Do Not Be Overcome by Evil but Overcome Evil with Good
December 15, 2004 'For us Christians, the Eucharist is our all'
December 15, 2004 Mary is the 'eschatological icon of the Church'
December 15, 2004 Two Urgent Tasks: Evangelize the Culture, Help Build a Culture of Life
December 22, 2004 Always remember that 'healing ultimately comes from the Most High'
December 22, 2004 'He Shall Save the Poor!'
December 25, 2004 'Urbi et Orbi' Message - Christmas 2004
 2005 Ideologies of Evil
January  2005 Message for Lent 2005
January 5, 2005 God has 'spoken to us by a Son'
January 10, 2005 Address to the Diplomatic Corps 2005
January 12, 2005 Salvation Is 'for All Peoples'
January 19, 2005 Called to Put Out into the Deep
January 26, 2005 The Communications Media: At the Service of Understanding Among Peoples
February 1, 2005 Imperative of 'Signs of Clinical Death' for Organ Transplants
February 2, 2005 World Day of Consecrated Life 2005
February 2, 2005 Uphold the Truth of Church Teaching on Marriage
February 11, 2005 Church and State Must Serve the Common Good
February 16, 2005 The Sick: 'Silently Calling for Solidarity'
February 21, 2005 Rapid Development
March 2, 2005 Promote the Equal Dignity of All God's Children
March 16, 2005 Jesus Lives in the 'Celebration' of the Eucharist
March 23, 2005 Be Open and Authentic Ministers of Reconciliation
March 23, 2005 'Shaped' by the Eucharist
March 23, 2005 Stay in the 'Sweet Company' of Jesus to Live Well
March 30, 2005 I Suffer 'So that God's Plan May Be Completed'
April 3, 2005 The Risen Lord Offers as a Gift His Love That Forgives
April 7, 2005 John Paul II's Spiritual Testament
April 20, 2005 Message for World Mission Sunday: 'Mission: Bread Broken for the Life of the World'
June 29, 2005 Common Declaration Signed in the Vatican by Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Bartholomew I
February 26, 2006 Evangelization, Inculturation, Family Life, Religious Freedom