Catholic Culture Dedication
Catholic Culture Dedication

vandalism without bias

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Oct 15, 2010

In northern New Jersey, a group of 5 college-age men face criminal charges for ransacking the offices of a gay-rights organization, tearing up shrubs and sign, ripping out lights. Bad news for the vandals: it was all caught by surveillance cameras.

The young thugs are charged with trespassing and criminal mischief. The charges might have been more serious, but:

Police don't believe it was a bias crime.
Surprised? You thought some major hate-crime prosecution would await the miscreants? Maybe that’s because I deliberately changed one factor. The crime scene was not a gay-rights organization; it was a Catholic parish.

Oh, so it couldn’t have been a hate crime. They were probably just drunks on a spree. 

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