Catholic Culture Podcasts
Catholic Culture Podcasts

By Peter Wolfgang

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Showing most recent 3 items by this author.

Did Trump really lose the debate?

No, Kamala did not best Trump in that debate. Trump rebutted her points and frequently turned them back on her. Not a knockout, like he scored against Biden. But a win. Or, at worst, a draw. Which, given the numbers right now, is still a Trump win.

Why aren’t there more Catholic Bibles?

The Catholic apologetics movement of the last several decades has done incredible work to better educate lay Catholics in our faith. One mountain still to climb, though, is to get Catholics to buy Bibles in as large a number as our separated brethren do, and to read them. Why is the Protestant Bible-selling market so much more gigantic than the Catholic one?

Trump/Vance must undo the harm caused by the RNC platform

There is a difference between recognizing a political reality and being reconciled to it. John Paul II came down firmly on the side of the pragmatists—but with a caveat. It is this caveat with which Catholic pro-lifers must contend, when assessing how to approach the Trump/Vance campaign. According to John Paul II, " elected official, whose absolute personal opposition to procured abortion was well known, could licitly support" incremental pro-life strategies.

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