Testimonials from Our Users

Add a Testimonial! Email us about yourself, your location, and what you like about the site.

Thomas Gillespie (Alexandria, Virginia, USA) I've found CatholicCulture.org to be an invaluable resource for understanding today's events through the lens of fidelity to the Church. The Commentary also provides thought-provoking reflections on matters of interest to Catholics and the book recommendations always form my reading list because I know I can trust CatholicCulture.org to recommend reading that is spiritually and intellectually fruitful.

Seán D O'Reachtaire (Paris, France) I am an Irish student in Paris completing the final year of a Common Law and Civil Law programme. My life took on a new dimension after I went on a retreat to Our Lady's Shrine in Knock, County Mayo, Ireland with Youth 2000. When I went to University College Dublin in Ireland, I joined the Newman Society and saw first hand how hard it is to evangelise. France brought great things and moved my faith up another level. I cannot remember how or when I first fell upon Catholic Culture, but it was not that long ago. I read most of the emails, and usually pick out articles that I find interesting. I quite like the contributions of Jeff Mirus and the news briefs. We need much more of this kind of work in the church and I feel it must come from the laity and be directed towards those in the Church who can be leaders and activists. Change always comes from an active minority.

Nia Leon (Saudi Arabia) I'm a sophomore in a medical university, a long distance member! I live in Saudi Arabia, but I'm actually from Southern Sudan. Although my major keeps me busy 24/7, I still make time to check this web site. What I like most about it is the Liturgical Year calendar with its daily inspiration concerning the different saints, bishops, angels and the like. I also enjoy reading the Off the Record section. Over all, the site is amazing, especially compared to the amount of information we get here, which is 5%. There is nothing better than net knowledge!

Lina Martin (Pasadena, California, USA) I often use CatholicCulture.org for finding tips, ideas, recipes and crafts for living the liturgical year in our little "domestic Church." I also love the website reviews and when I have the chance (i.e., when I'm not chasing down my toddler!), I enjoy reading the editorial and blog posts about current Church issues. I support CatholicCulture.org materially because orthodox material is so hard to come by—it's worth paying for! People dedicated to living the Faith in obedience to the Magisterium, and to helping others do the same, are worth supporting as well.

Bryan Llanos (Trinidad and Tobago) I truly value Catholic Culture becuse it provides me with updated blogs and articles which keep me informed on all things Catholic. I have been a Catholic from childhood as my parents were Catholic and they taught me my religion. I am indeed grateful for the opportunity to belong to this site.

Elisabeta Maya (Laucala Bay, Raiwai, Suva in the Fiji Islands) Ever since I subscribed to CatholicCulture our parish has been so richly blessed and I have grown stronger in my beliefs. I head the Liturgy Committee and also put together our Sunday News Bulletin. Getting materials from the CatholicCulture site is helpful indeed. I am able to download articles on Scripture, sharing, ideas, the liturgical calendar, news of our Holy Father, happenings in Rome like the Year for Priests, sacramental teachings and issues, prayers, novenas, useful information and resources that we so desperately need to strengthen our faith. I have learned and been touched by so much that I have never even been told in my 50 years in this world. There are so many little churches or cults that have suddenly sprung up everywhere in this tiny island nation, pulling our young people with their fancy words and music. Here in Fiji our archdiocese is so lacking; we are very poor. We do not have any resources. I feel guilty for not being able to donate but I can only help through my prayers.

Larry Mosher (Kennesaw, Georgia, USA) My wife and I are converts from the Episcopal Church. We were brought into the Church at the Easter Vigil of 1991. I was brought through with a little of the Baltimore Catechism and a lot of the older printed materials. With that preface my thirst for knowing more about my faith, traditions and scripture has been a "fire in my belly" since and continues today. I was so happy to have found your web site with its volumes of information, resources and especially the commentaries on events here and abroad. I whole-heartedly support your web site monetarily; it is a valuable service for me as well as all other Catechists and Catechumens. I am permanently disabled from an "at home" accident in 2000. But I am applying for re-admission to Diaconate Formation following my 'medical leave'. To the greater glory of God!

John Jensen (Auckland, New Zealand) I am a convert (1995). I was (and am) hungry to understand my faith. I was frankly overwhelmed (having been a fairly knowledgeable Protestant for the preceding 25 years) by the vast (and vastly marvellous) universe I had entered in becoming a Catholic. And I had to know, and had to understand. The more I knew, and understood, the more I needed and wanted to know and understand. My time is very limited (I work 5 12-hour days, including commuting, play in an orchestra, and have 8 grandchildren—for starters.) Catholic Culture has been instrumental in helping me understand. As I grew in my Catholic faith, I came to understand, too, that the Catholic faith is not meant to be 'my church'; rather God wants the whole of our world to be transformed. It was in this way that the 'culture' part of 'Catholic Culture' came home to me as enormously important. I am very short of money, but I thought I could not be right with God if I were a receiver only of what He wanted to give me through CC. So I started to donate and have a regular (albeit small) monthly monetary participation in the work.

Fr. John P. Harrington (Braintree, Massachusetts, USA) The breadth of Catholic Culture's coverage of relevant Church news and events is outstanding and reflects the catholic/universal nature of the Church itself. Its reliable orthodox commentary on these events gives me the knowledge to discuss my faith confidently with others. As a Catholic priest I have found its library, Catholic Dictionary, Catechism and Church Fathers to be a tremendous resource center for preparing homilies, prayer sessions, lectures and writing. Indeed there is something of interest to be found for everyone, especially for serious-minded Catholics who want to learn more about their faith so that they can live it more rewardingly. The ability of the reader to respond to the various articles posted on the blog is another wonderful option. That the reader is invited to think, analyze and compose a coherent response makes Catholic Culture a truly interactive and dynamic resource. God bless all the people at Catholic Culture and thank you for your wonderful work on behalf of Holy Mother Church. Well done good and faithful servant!

Theresa Henderson (Lake Orion, Michigan, USA) I restore statues and I do paintings, so that's what I've shown in the photo. Catholic Culture feels like family to me. I wish I could offer more than prayers and sufferings for your work. In this day and age family is more important than ever.

Christy Nini (Carson, California, USA) Wow, what can I say? I love CatholicCulture.org. It is a blessing for me, and has been for the past four years. In June 2005, I graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor's degree in Music History. It was through CatholicCulture.org that I learned about great Catholic music composed by Nicholas Wilton in the United Kingdom, and about a wonderful book called Music & Morals by Basil Cole, OP. CatholicCulture.org not only reinforces my love for music, but it beautifully integrates my love and faith in our triune God who established our One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. The Catholic perspective found in the social commentaries helps me as I develop my parish's Young Adult Ministry. One of the features that has recently benefited me is the business blog because it shows me that it is possible to have a financially successful business while remaining loyal to God's unfailing love.

Claire Halbur (Joliet, Illinois, USA) I want to thank you for the outstanding service you provide for all Catholics, and particularly for me as a young Catholic working as a parish Coordinator of Religious Education. Yours is the very first site I turn to when evangelizing the families I serve! I often send my team of catechists links to your articles and liturgical resources. The extended pages of saints, activities and prayers for the liturgical year are super. I reference your site each week when writing my catechist newsletter and weekly bulletin column, often sharing quotes, definitions, and more. In truth, your URL never leaves my "recently visited" list. I pray that the Lord may continue to bless your great work: building a truly Catholic Culture (I could not think of a more perfect name). Thank you for offering such a tremendous wealth of resources!

Sarah Lindamood (Anchorage, Alaska, USA) I'm married and the mother of 4 (so far) in Alaska. I've used the site for a few years now in lots of ways. I've been using the liturgical library of materials for help with homeschooling for years. I love the wealth of materials (even recipes!) and links. I have learned so much in the process of teaching my children. I fear I sound like a know-it-all sometimes, but the things I now know (why, for example churches—or specific churches—have their own feastdays) quite amaze me. I enjoy the news that I am able to read. Many days, I only read the news through your site and the commentary as a means of preserving my sanity. Most other resources require so much sifting; I don't have the time, desire or background to do so. Thanks for all you to keep us informed and enriched!

Anthony Cuseo (Delray Beach, Florida, USA) I am a deacon of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, currently ministering in the Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida. I look to CatholicCulture.org for obtaining the best solid Catholic information and articles available on the internet; it is extremely helpful for homily preparation.

Mary Rofe (Stanthorpe, Queensland, Australia) I use Catholic Culture in many ways. Firstly your website enables me to improve my understanding of Catholic issues and the doctrinal background to an authentic stance. Secondly, you open doors to Catholic opinion from many others and stimulate thought which strengthens my faith. Thirdly, I edit a small publication for a local parish and I often use your insights (attributed) to do likewise for the people who do not have access to Catholic Culture's website, mostly because of their age and unfamiliarity with technology. I often post Catholic Culture comment to my Facebook page as well. I am very grateful for your balanced Catholic content which is faithful to what we believe. I donate when I can and encourage others to do so through my networks on and off the net. Keep up the good work!

Davie Clark (Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia) I use Catholic Culture to keep up on the news around the world in the Catholic community.

Andrew Maurer (Fairfax, Virginia, USA) My beautiful wife, Christine, and I married in 2007 and we have one son, Jude. I use Catholic Culture daily for reliable and faithful reporting on events in the Catholic world. I also love reading "Off the Record" and having a quick link to the Church's liturgical calendar and Mass readings. Thank you for the great website and resources!

Scott Woltze (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) As a doctoral candidate in Political Science at the University of Michigan, I begin each morning with a review of the news of the Church provided by catholicculture.org. The news and analysis sections provide a balanced view of the challenges facing the Church after the "lost" decades following the misappropriation of Vatican II, as well as the tremendous work of the Holy Spirit (and our cooperation) in the last decade or so. Consequently, I am able to be a witness to the faith who is both "wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove". As a newlywed who is a poor Ph.D. student, I contribute to catholicculture.org in the only way I can: by offering a perpetual novena. Keep up the great work!

Tana Jiminez (Trabuco Canyon, California, USA) I am a wife and mother of two young boys. CatholicCulture.org has been indispensable in keeping me updated on the Catholic world's current events through Catholic World News headlines.

Veronica Boast (Adelaide, SA, Australia) I really enjoy the daily emails from Catholic Culture; we were recommended to the site by a priest, and find the news updates trustworthy and the daily commentary uplifting. We were blessed to be able to go to Rome together this year on a short pilgrimage en route to family reunions in England. It is a struggle to stay strong and hopeful Catholics, when so many of our family members are falling away, and the content of this website is a very powerful witness to forward to others in the same situation. Thank you for your commitment to continue to provide this valuable service.

Joseph Heschmeyer (Washington, District of Columbia, USA) I'm a third-year law student at Georgetown. I first used Catholic Culture to study the Fathers and the works of Fr. William Most on grace. It seems that for almost every Catholic need I have, Catholic Culture's already ministered to the need. Having grown up in a nominally Catholic parish where the word "Catechism" was never uttered, it's been great to be able to learn about all those aspects of my faith I'd never known, from what the Catechism teaches, to who the various Saints are and why they're important to the global Church, to which self-proclaimed Catholic websites to trust, and which to avoid. Soon, I found my self subscribed to the daily Catholic World News to find out what was going on in the Church, and I eventually subscribed to Off the Record's RSS feed, because it was a breath of fresh air to hear someone take on even dissident bishops. Since discovering Catholic Culture, I've found myself more informed on the teachings of the Church, more in love with Her than ever (and with Her Spouse), and able to see beyond the media portrayal of Catholic events.

Marge Chiuminatto (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) I could not exist as a Catholic very well without your website. For me, it's a totally reliable source of information and commentary for all things new and breaking in the area of spirituality, religion and, most importantly, my Catholic faith. I rely on your site for 'the bottom line', the unvarnished and unassailable moral truth of things—without spin, equivocation or compromise—commentary that is also always compatible and in line with the Magisterium of the Church. I cannot place a high enough value on this, since there are so few places it can be found. I use CatholicCulture.org as my ultimate touchstone, gauging everything I read or come across on the net (and other places) by what CatholicCulture.org provides. I use it to answer my questions, to spur my mind to go places it never would on its own and to just immerse myself in knowledge about my faith.

Luis Solimeo (Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, USA) I'm 68 years old. For me your website is very informative and helps me to follow what is happening in the Church. Thank you for your good apostolate.

Jan-Philipp Goertz (Berlin, Germany) I use and support Catholic Culture because it is a counter-current of free and independent, orthodox, common sensical, sober and often funny Catholic news, analyses and insight that helps me perceive, understand and express truth better. It helps me in being a missionary for Hope and the true gospel of Love in Berlin, Germany.

Dmbca (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) I prefer a nickname for online use. As a Canadian, I don't always read the more specifically US news, but it is good to have some idea of US preoccupations. I find more in-depth comments on the Catholic Culture site than in my local Catholic newspaper. The site helps me broaden my Catholic reading online. I like articles dealing with philosophy, links to papal documents and comments about Catholic news in general. I find that you have given many useful links to interesting articles over the years. Also I appreciate your suggestions about new books to purchase.

RoseMarie Wassel (Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA) My sister Paula and I (on the right) value the Catholic Culture webside as a great source to keep up with all the information we need so that we can reach out to each other through our Catholic faith, working together to do God's Holy Will. The website enables us to know what is going on around the world without undermining our beliefs. It also helps us to know what we need to pray for and pray together as a national Spiritual Bouquet. Catholic news is vital to our faith, whereas the major media blocks out what really needs to be heard and blurts out what is sometimes harmful to society. I praise God for this blessed web site and other good Catholic sites. Working with pro-life organizations and petitions is part of what we do together through these web sites.

Christopher Landreneau (Buford, Georgia, USA) I am truly grateful for the Catholic Culture site. It has guided me in the right direction concerning the solid teachings of Holy Mother Church. As I continue to grow in my faith and love for Jesus Christ, this site has been a tremendous source of confidence for me to find solid Catholic support, reading, and understanding on how to live our faith.

Fr. Sebastian Arikat (Balsall Common, West Midland, United Kingdom) I appreciate your web pages very much. They provide a great deal of information about the present situation of the Catholic church. I enjoy reading all these materials.

James Wilson (Villanova, Pennsylvania, USA) I first began visiting the site in graduate school because of its invaluable library of Catholic documents. With your site's help, I first encountered Pope John Paul II's "Letter to Artists" and myriad other writings that have influenced me in my life and profession. Now I'm a busy young professor with a young family and the site's new focus and daily headlines have been a great blessing for me. The coverage is consistently impressive and thorough—and I am especially grateful for the multiple links that help give depth, variety, and comprehensiveness to the stories. Young Catholic intellectuals often toil in isolation, unsure if there are others who care about the Truth so dear to them. One helpful resource for the renewal of culture and community in our Church is the provision of good, meaningful, and extensive news and commentary.

Patrick Hession (Millers Creek, North Carolina, USA) Here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina I am the Education Commission Chair of our parish and teach Adult Education/RCIA classes. I enjoy the daily news and blogs and am able to use many of your articles in my classes. Keep up the wonderful work! I am on Social Security income only so am unable to support you financially, but you are in my prayers.

Carrie Severino (Alexandria, Virginia, USA) I am a convert whose initial Catholic inquiry took place largely over the internet, and CatholicCulture.org (back when it was PetersNet!) was a great resource for me. In my now ten years in the Church it has continued to be my go-to resource on Catholic topics. Especially for a new Catholic, the website reviews were a quick check for the many new "Catholic" groups I encountered. I didn't want to be led astray. And as a new mother I enjoyed the liturgical calendar, with its ideas for family activities. Now, with two small children, I don't have the time I once did for reading up on apologetics, but when a question comes up in discussions with friends, I know I can find the resources I want quickly. The great commentaries are a pleasure, often bringing a new aspect of the faith to light or pointing out a Catholic angle on the current culture that is oft-overlooked. Catholic World News is also one of my major news sources—consistently honest, fact-checking and avoiding rumors, faithful, and incisive.

Mary Frances Jones (Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA) I am married, a mom with an almost 17 year old, a two year old and 5 in heaven, and I work full time (wish I could stay home, but that is another issue). I am also a secular Carmelite and a convert. I use Catholic Culture to keep up on what is going on worldwide with balanced and faithful information. I really value the links to the various articles so I can look in depth at items of interest. Since I don't have the ability or time to subscribe to every publication covering the church or to look up everything on the web, it is great to have a resource that give me the timely topics of each day.

Sr. Jane Dalton, fdnsc (Limpopo, South Africa) I am an Australian Sister working in the Limpopo province of South Africa in rural areas. My work is teaching the faith and the formation of lay leaders in this very poor area where unemployment can be as high as 60% in places and one in three mothers have the HI virus. I have been with you from the first. I regret that I am not in a position to support you financially, but I do pray that you will have the health and strength to continue the work of spreading the Good News all over the earth and that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide your hearts and minds in all that you do.

Jill Limongi (New York, New York, USA) I came upon this website by googling for websites about Apologetics. I believe it is imperative that we all educate ourselves on the teachings of the Bible and that we understand the 'whys' of the different doctrines and teachings of the Church in order to love it better and defend it better and thus profess rightfully the Word of God. Even though I didn't find vast information on Apologetics on catholicCulture.org, I liked it because it had so many articles on current issues that involve and share our faith. This made me identify with you. Reading the articles gives me a better perspective on how to live and react to issues that happen every day. I also like your liturgical day section focusing on the saints. I realized that there are so many of them that I've never heard of. Thanks for the amazing website. I've also passed it on to my brother and others. Keep up the excellent work!

John Andrade (La Quinta, California, USA) I have been blessed to discover the Catholic Culture website's treasure trove of authentic Catholic insight and information. I use the website to develop my lesson plans for my family and parish catechesis class.

Tracey Brown (Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada) I find Catholic Culture to be a great resource for Catholic teaching. I look forward to receiving your updates and information on the Catholic faith. Thank you!

Deacon Joseph Buccilli (Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, USA) Your website's words and wisdom keep me informed and focused on our worldwide mission, which can only be strengthened by members of the Body of Christ. (I'm the deacon in the upper right of the photo.)

John Skalko (Esko, Minnesota, USA) I am 23 years old and proudly Catholic. As a Catholic Studies and philosophy major who plans on pursuing doctoral studies in philosophy, I have only fallen in deeper love with our faith over time. I support the work of CatholicCulture.org, and primarily use it by reading the emails.

Enrique Garcia (Pinehurst, Texas, USA) I am truly blessed to be the husband of my beautiful wife Veronica and father of my 3 (soon to be 4!) young boys. I take a few minutes each day to check in on Catholic Culture's news and commentary to stay grounded on our Christian battlefront! We each fight the good fight within our souls and within our homes and community, but Catholic Culture also keeps us aware of of the battles and leaders within the larger Community of Saints and within our Holy Mother Church—for which I am very grateful. I look forward to exploring and leveraging the other great resources available on the website. We have been blessed with the ability and willingness to donate funds to Catholic Culture out of the bounty that the Lord has provided our family and will expect to continue to do so for a long time!

Melissa Haydek (Irving, Texas, USA) I use CatholicCulture.org as a resource for the monthly spiritual enrichment newsletter I put out to the families at the Catholic school my children attend. I like to review the monthly liturgical calendar to see what is coming up that I can highlight or look at the activities and prayers that I can suggest to the families. I often provide links to your website so families can get all the details about a particular feast day, activity, etc. I have found the website to be quite comprehensive.

William Murphy (Syracuse, New York, USA) As a life-long educator, I've taught at a Catholic minor seminary in Tanzania, a Catholic secondary school for boys in Zambia, a Protestant secondary school for girls in Egypt, a Protestant secondary school for girls in Turkey and a Catholic minor seminary in Uganda, as well as teaching in the United States. Now I am happily retired, and I volunteer at the local county jail. I read things on CatholicCulture.org bedcause I am a Roman Catholic who is always trying to learn more to help myself and others. Learning is like praying. We are never finished with either one.

Kendra Tierney (Northridge, California, USA) I support your site because I frequently use it to find ideas and recipes to help our family (husband Jim and kids Jack, Betty, Bobby, Gus and Anita) celebrate the wonderful feast days on our church calendar. As faithful Catholics we expect our kids to follow all the challenging parts of our faith. They deserve to get to have all the fun parts too. So we have cream puffs on St. Joseph's Day, and waffles for dinner on the Annunciation, and a devil piñata on St. Michaels Day! Thanks catholicculture.org for helping us to enjoy our faith!

Susan Walker (Wheeling, Illinois, USA) I use Catholic World News as a primary source of information about what is happening in our Church. I am thankful for the up-to-the-minute news and also for the deeply Catholic perspective of the “off the record” commentaries. I coordinate the women's Christ Renews His Parish program at my parish and am often asked questions about the Faith, so I find your Resource Center to be very informative and I do send the ladies there to look up their own answers. I also use the Liturgical Year section with my little one so we can check out new prayers and be in the moment for each liturgical season. I am a single mom to Gracie (divorced with a declaration of nullity). I've founded a non-profit called Rest in His Arms that provides funerals and burial for babies who have been abandoned (www.RestinHisArms.org). While I cannot support your ministry financially, please be assured of my prayers and that I am promoting your site!

Casey Truelove (Traverse City, Michigan, USA) As a Masters candidate in theology at Ave Maria University, I find that Catholic Culture has a pretty level-headed view of Catholicism and how to live the faith day-to-day. It's great how they try to encompass all of human life in the site. When I get time, I like to read the articles and browse the liturgy section. The suggestions for ways to celebrate particular Church memorials, feasts and solemnities (especially the calendars for Advent, Christmas, etc.) are good ways of bringing the celebration into the home and not just leaving it at the church.

Branches of Ivy Books (Lewis Center, Ohio, USA) Catholic Culture is how we keep up to date with current events. It is our favorite and primary source of information for Catholic world news. Keep up the great work!

Martin Snigg (Adelaide, South Australia, Australia) As a prospective seminarian, I read Catholic Culture every day. Faithful and intelligent commentary and insightful articles make it an essential visit. Other sites can be too accommodationist towards the anti-culture and so are dying. Catholic Culture.org has decided with the Holy Father to make it through modernity and I want to be on board.

Nicholas Hardesty (Owensboro, Kentucky, USA) I'm a Director of Religious Education, and I'm a fan of Catholic Culture (supporting it financially in my own meager way) because I love libraries of good Catholic information. I like having the perfect article to send to someone when that person has a question about Catholicism, and I get a lot of my articles from this website. I also like being able to turn to the website reviews when I'm not sure if a site is legitimate or not...and I like how the webmasters aren't afraid to throw the hammer down and give someone a red light!

Steven van Weede (Baarn, The Netherlands) Since discovering CatholicCuluture.org, I have been impressed by it. News, articles, insights, website reviews: it is all there. The articles help me to understand better some developments in the Church, and to explain the words of the Holy Father. Above all CatholicCulture.org is loyal to the Church and the pope, and I highly appreciate that.

The Camardo Family (USA) We love CatholicCulture.org for too many reasons to list! We support your efforts because you help us be in this world, but not of this world. Your efforts are overtly Catholic and faithful and we can't get enough. We make the most use of your website reviews which help us navigate the internet safely and lead us to innumerable faithful resources. We also regularly rely on your news updates, commentary, and liturgical resources, particularly information on the saints. Of course, I would be remiss if I did not tell you that we can't resist Diogenes who helps us remember St. Teresa of Avila's great prayer, "God save us from sad-faced saints!"

Nada Bachour (Quincy, Massachusetts, USA) I value your site because it informs me about what is happening in the Catholic community throughout the world, and on matters relating to our faith.

Laurie Herring (Tallahassee, Florida, USA) I enjoy being part the virtual CatholicCulture.org faith community. The news, commentary and resource center have been a welcome addition to my learning more about my faith: how to live it in the world, share it with others and develop a deeper sacramental life.

Vladimir Kombol (Zagreb, Croatia) I use your site because I consider it very informative concerning the issues of life itself. Our times call to mind the persecution of Christians in ancient Rome as we face a frightening and even pessimistic outlook that only faith can defeat. Your writings help me to defend the gospel in a way acceptable to people who are compassionate but perhaps not zealous enough to meditate on Christ's parables themselves. I pray for the victory of Christ's love, which you are trying to spread, over materialistic ideology.

Jennifer Gainer (Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, USA) As a Catholic convert and stay-at-home mother of five, I value CC because of its complete harmony with Church teaching. I know I can trust what I find here. And one thing I use most often is the site review section. When I'm in doubt, I come here and get a good rundown of the site I'm looking for. CC is in the top five sites I go to for information and learning.

Dennis Miller (St. Louis, Missouri, USA) As a Catholic, I live in an intimate spiritual communion with the Church. As a Catholic, I am engaged with the world. CatholicCulture.org provides valuable information and insight to help me navigate the complicated intersections of the sacred and the secular, faith and politics.

Mike Malone (Glenwood, Iowa, USA) Why do I appreciate CatholicCulture.org? Because I am a traditional Catholic. I am not against all things modern but I am against all things that do not conform to Catholic doctrine (as defined by Scripture, Apostolic Tradition and the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium), and I am against all forms of liturgical abuse like dancing, clapping, plays, speeches and bad music during Mass. I want our priests to teach the Faith in their homilies. I am against faith formation programs and catechesis that fail to faithfully teach the Catholic religion or teach it in some watered down manner. I want our bishops and priests to call public figures to account when they claim to be ardent Catholics but support homosexual marriage, abortion, embryonic stem cell research, cloning, divorce, etc. I want to associate with people willing to speak-up in defense of the faith even if there is a personal price to pay. What I get from Catholic Culture is orthodoxy, something hard to come by in these times.

Fr. Anthony Stephens, CPM (South Union, Kentucky, USA) God's peace to you! As a priest with the Fathers of Mercy, I work as the vocation director and student master for the community, and do a little preaching, too! I love the articles / analysis on Catholic Culture by Mirus and Lawler, because they are balanced according to the view of Holy Mother the Church. This is very useful for preaching parish missions, and I frequently direct people who ask for reliable Catholic websites to the Catholic Culture website. I am happy to support a website that desires to make the Church known and loved.

Br. Liam Mullin, OSB (Morristown, New Jersey, USA) I'm a Benedictine monk who lives, prays, and works at St. Mary's Abbey in Morristown, NJ. I check CatholicCulture.org every day for news and articles about what's going on in the Church, not just in the United States but around the world. I appreciate CatholicCulture.org's devotion to (authentic) Catholicism and its great love of the Church.

Jeremiah Joiner (Divide, Colorado, USA) CatholicCulture is my Number One source for orthodox news and information about my faith. The site is well-edited, and professionally designed and presented.

Tina Girard (Santa Maria, California, USA) I am married with three children. I've been subscribing to CC for about two years now, and it seems to be one of the most reliable sites for gleaning true Catholic commentary, and I love the wonderful resources. It is almost overwhelming. I enjoy reading many of the articles by Dr. Mirus and Mr. Lawler. Thank you, and keep it up!

Bill Vinet (Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA) My wife Gisele and I celebrated our Golden wedding anniversary some years ago with a papal blessing. I like Catholic Culture because it is honest and thorough in its news reporting.

Diane Duggan (Clinton, Massachusetts, USA) I got my computer in 2010 and am late to the internet era. I love your website and newsletters because they keep me up to date with what is going on in the Catholic Church. I am trying to strengthen my faith and commitment to God's Church daily, and your site is helping me to do this.

Kevin and Rosemary Clarke (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) We are practicing Catholics, and have been for 73 years, having also raised 5 boys in the Faith. When I retired from 35 years in teaching, I developed the skill to create web sites, and have been taking care of our church web site at www.stfrankw.ca. I have found a real excellence in the material and devotion of CatholicCulture.org. It supports what we have always thought and practiced about our faith, and establishes a foundation and direction for dealing with the perplexities, and sometimes horrors, of our current society. I have relied on CatholicCulture.org for countless issues in our faith, and have never been disappointed or confused in the direction given. We use the site every day, for our church web page. I have a section on the site "Featured Site", and it presents each feast day of the month that CathCulture.org describes.

Sam Danziger (Irvine, California, USA) I found CatholicCulture while I was looking for a translation of some of the pope's speeches. I donated because I was very impressed by Phil Lawler's "The Faithful Departed" and I wanted to do my part to rebuild the Church. I visit regularly because of the quality of the content, the clear Catholic vision, and the Catholic news feed.

Ruth O'Neill (Woodstock, Virginia, USA) What does Catholic Culture.org do for me? I look forward to the time I can spend connecting with my Church throughout the world! I learn about the missions and missionaries, the church persecuted, or the church succeeding for Christ in some area or another. One of the things I appreciate most is the links given by which I can read the original sources of the news updates. When there are debates and discussions that relate to faith and its application to the modern world, I can hear all sides of the argument or situation involved. There is an opportunity to share other readers' outlooks and opinions on the topic. Bravo, Catholic Culture!

Mike Humphrey (Natick, Massachusetts, USA) I have been running a Catholic apologetics web site (AskACatholic.com) that is loyal to the Church for 14 years. Over the past few months we have been getting many more questions then in the past, and I need a resource I can use to find and recommend reliable Catholic web sites that are faithful to the Holy Father and Church's Magisterium. I could not do this without Catholic Culture. CatholicCulture.org's periodic reviews and assessments, even of my own web site, I find helpful and constructive. In fact, I recommend to all webmasters to get their websites evaluated by Catholic Culture. Now, what does Catholic Culture do for EVERYONE? It helps give the web surfer discernment between holy Catholic web sites that are faithful to the Holy Father and Church's Magisterium and unholy, uncatholic web sites that either go too far left or too far right...outside the Church.

Fr. John Simoneau, LC (Budapest, Hungary) Thank you for your service. I am a priest helping in Budapest, Hungary. Besides the fact that it is hard to get solid information about the Catholic Church in the USA in Hungary, I like the fact that some Catholic organization is standing up for the truth and making its voice heard. There is so much garbage out there. I really like it when good bishops' statements and stances are given support and a voice that the secular media does not provide.

Pat Rutter (Grass Valley, California, USA) Catholic Culture is even better than Fox. There's absolutely no SPIN, anywhere. The Whole Truth Shines amidst the muck and mire we see inside and outside of our beautiful Church. I believe in Her as I sit here listening to my own heart beat. She is real and alive, and every bone in my body knows that 'Glory' which God provides for those that let Him. Catholic Culture is that tool I use to read with delight all I need to know concerning my Church, her aches and pains, her challenges, her remedies and cures. This great Body, worldwide, is a miracle. All the minds and thinking that go into Her are a heavenly phenomenon. I see Our Father working daily through her bones, via Benedict XVI, bishops, priests and great editorials written by you at Catholic Culture.

Children of Mary (Newark, Ohio, USA) We are a new semi-contemplative community and we want to spread love for the Holy Catholic Church. And because the heart of our Faith is the Holy Eucharist, we want to shout from the rooftops that the Eucharist is Jesus and He longs for our love. We do not watch TV or listen to the radio. We do, however, have a website (www.childrenofmary.net) and so we have internet. Reading Catholic Culture is a great help in keeping us informed. Before going to the local parish for Mass today, we recalled one of your articles recently that said in effect that no matter how bad the music or homily or whatever shortcomings at Mass, it is a privilege to attend Mass. What a beautiful, positive reminder, so helpful in these days of 'liturgical suffering'! We support you with our prayers, and we rejoice that you provide us with a place to go for sound teaching and prudent reflections on the events in our Church today.

Fr. John Fleming (Northmead, New South Wales, Australia) I am a 66 year-old married Catholic priest (formerly Anglican) and an academic. Catholic Culture provides the most reliable and informed Catholic news service available, the documents of the Church when they become available, and a very high standard of commentary on Catholic affairs. Orthodox, accurate, informed, entertaining—it doesn't get much better than that!

Denise Wood (Anna, Texas, USA) I find Catholic Culture to be very orthodox in all the information it provides. I have used many of the resources for my apostolate on the internet as well as for personal reasons. It seems that whatever I am searching for, I can find it at CC, and I find it totally faithful to Holy Mother Church.

Philip King (Amanzimtoti, South Africa) As an ordinary South African Catholic, I find 'Catholic Culture' is by far the best way of keeping in touch with what is important in the Catholic world. The daily emails are concise and superb—the best thing to read while having morning coffee! I access their well-stocked web site for additional news, brilliant and insightful commentary and analysis, and, much to my delight, I use their resources for my Confirmation class. I urge all South Africans to join. You need only subscribe a small amount each month. You won't regret it.

Tony Escobar (Olney, Maryland, USA) I am president of the St. Lawrence Society and a veteran of the U.S. Army Infantry. I find it very important to keep up to date with the current events of our Church in America and the world. CatholicCulture.org not only provides me with excellent news articles, but also with great commentary that is loyal to the Magisterium of the Church. The sources cited for each article give me the assurance I need to read in peace. The Resource Center is a wonderful tool that helps me find Church documents for personal study as well as work for my young adult group. I often highly recommend CatholicCulture.org to my fellow soldiers, family and friends. God bless the CatholicCulture.org team!

Claudia Sbardelotto (Moreno Valley, California, USA) I am originally from Brazil (with an Italian background) and now I live in the US. I am a young mom of five children, ages from 11 to 3. I like to read about our Catholic Faith and to be updated about what is happening in our Church and society nowadays. That's why I access the CatholicCulture website. God bless you!

Miguel Prats (Katy, TX, USA) I am a survivor of clergy and non-clergy abuse. I founded an organization called Maria Goretti Network to assist and support all victims of abuse. Through the examples of St.Maria Goretti, St.Josephine Bakhita and Blessed Laura Vicuna we see how others faced their adversities. We look to Christ, Mother Mary, the saints and the sacraments for help. Catholic Culture is very helpful and reliable in understanding and learning what is going on in our church and with our faith. Catholic Culture teaches and helps us develop our spiritual life.

Andy Piacente (Yonkers, New York, USA) Timely, traditional, very very Catholic. I send it to all of my friends around the world.