Catholic World News

Share the faith with the spiritually poor, Vatican City official says in Tokyo

March 27, 2025

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CWN Editor's Note: Speaking at Shinseikaikan, a Catholic student center in Tokyo, the secretary general of the Governatorate of Vatican City State said that “it is important to share material goods with the poor, because in this way we can give each other the necessities of life and preserve our fundamental dignity as human beings created in the image of God.”

“However, we must not forget to share the richness of faith with the spiritually poor,” Archbishop Emilio Nappa continued. “I firmly believe that special attention must continue to be paid to this aspect of the commitment to Shinseikaikan.”

He added:

Do not forget to teach the Church’s social teaching, both through the catechesis you live in your lives and in the catechesis you address in the classrooms to catechumens and the faithful. Your witness helps us walk the path of forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace. It is an important message of great persuasive power.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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