Catholic World News

Chicago archdiocese, in lawsuit, charges ‘racketeering’ scheme of false abuse claims

March 26, 2025

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CWN Editor's Note: The Archdiocese of Chicago has filed suit claiming that a “racketeering enterprise” has formed to file numerous false abuse claims.

According to the lawsuit, more than a dozen false claims have been filed by a group that includes “convicted felons and known gang members.” Participants in the scheme discussed their plans during prison phone calls, the lawsuit alleges.

All of the claims involve charges of abuse by Daniel McCormack, a laicized priest whose notoriety apparently made him a target for charges. One participant in the scheme reportedly told others that he had made a successful claim against McCormick although he had no contact with the former priest.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: feedback - Mar. 27, 2025 3:14 AM ET USA

    McCormack's victims number 150 on the list of IL AG. McCormack's 1994 ordination is a mystery. He was known in the seminary for his homosexual activity and sexual abuse of an underage boy while in Mexico. His rector Gerald Kicanas, who defended McCormack's suitability for ordination, became bishop in 1995. Four of his classmates became bishops under Cupich. Bp Kicanas became Apostolic Delegate to investigate Bishop Joseph Strickland and last week he was named Apostolic Administrator of Tucson.