Catholic World News

Italian president pays tribute to Pontiff

March 21, 2025

» Continue to this story on Quirinale (Italian)

CWN Editor's Note: Italian President Sergio Mattarella paid tribute to Pope Francis in a message for the 12th anniversary of the Pontiff’s election.

Mattarella, who holds a ceremonial but influential position, praised Dilexit Nos, the Pope’s encyclical on the Sacred Heart, as well as the Pope’s statements for the G7, G20, and UN climate change conferences.

“While at the international level the reasons for Law and for a proper articulation of coexistence among states seem to be fading, your voice is and remains more necessary than ever,” the Italian president added, as wished the Pontiff a speedy recovery.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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