Catholic World News

At Mass for anniversary of Pope’s election, Ecumenical Patriarch renews call for common Easter date

March 21, 2025

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CWN Editor's Note: Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, who holds a primacy of honor among the Orthodox churches, attended Mass at the Latin-rite cathedral in Istanbul for the 12th anniversary of the Pope’s election.

“If our ultimate goal is the achievement of full doctrinal and sacramental unity, we cannot excuse any indifference or intolerance in removing unjustified barriers and divisions,” he said. “One of these obstacles which, if removed, would give more credibility and strength to all Christians in this fragmented world, is the different way of calculating the date of Easter.”

Bishop Massimiliano Palinuro, the vicar apostolic of Istanbul, said in his homily that “during these 12 years Pope Francis, with courage and parrhesia, has called the entire Church to return to the simplicity of the Gospel and has warned the powerful of the Earth not to follow the path of selfishness and oppression.”

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