Catholic World News

Canadian bishops denounce potential loss of tax-exempt status for Catholic organizations

March 20, 2025

» Continue to this story on Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

CWN Editor's Note: The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops warned that recommendations proposed by the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Finance threaten the “very existence” of Catholic charitable organizations.

In a letter to the nation’s finance minister, the bishops wrote that “the Catholic charitable sector ... includes a wide range of community services and ministries, including foodbanks, soup kitchens, refugee resettlement programs, climate and social justice programs, daycares and schools, hospitals, long-term care homes and palliative care centers.”

The bishops explained:

The very existence of the kinds of Catholic charitable organizations and services listed above would be threatened by the implementation of Recommendations 429 and 430, which propose respectively to amend the Income Tax Act by no longer providing charitable status to “anti-abortion organizations” (cf. #429) and by removing “the privileged status of ‘advancement of religion’ as a charitable purpose” (cf. #430).

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: feedback - Today 7:37 AM ET USA

    Sadly, the potential loss of funds appears to be the only thing that the Catholic Bishops of Canada would denounce.