Catholic World News

Pope, in Angelus address, reflects on Christ’s Transfiguration and sickness

March 17, 2025

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CWN Editor's Note: In his March 16 Angelus address, which he prepared but did not deliver, Pope Francis reflected on the Transfiguration of Jesus, recounted in the Gospel reading of the day (Luke 9:28-36).

“Jesus immerses Himself in prayer and becomes radiant with light,” the Pope wrote. “In this way, He shows the disciples what is hidden behind the gestures He performs in their midst: the light of His infinite love.”

“I am sharing these thoughts with you while I am facing a period of trial, and I join with so many brothers and sisters who are sick: fragile, at this time, like me,” the Pope continued, as he discussed the loving care that surrounds the sick. “That is why I would like to invite you, today, to join me in praising the Lord, who never abandons us and who, in times of sorrow, places people beside us who reflect a ray of His love.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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