Catholic World News

USCCB appeals court decision on refugee funding

March 14, 2025

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CWN Editor's Note: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has appealed a federal judge’s decision on its lawsuit over the loss of refugee program funding.

Last month, the bishops’ conference filed suit against the administration, challenging the suspension of funding for the bishops’ refugee-resettlement programs. The lawsuit seeks restoration of the funding and reimbursement for costs already incurred by the USCCB before funding was suspended.

“We are reviewing our options to ensure that the newly arrived refugees and their families, who were assigned to our care by the State Department, are not deprived of assistance promised to them by the United States,” said USCCB spokeswoman Chieko Noguchi.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: feedback - Today 5:31 AM ET USA

    Not a word about the missing 'unaccompanied' children. Just "gimme the money!"