Pax Christi archbishop deplores EU’s $860 billion rearmament plan
March 13, 2025
» Continue to this story on L'Osservatore Romano (Italian)
CWN Editor's Note: In an interview with the Vatican newspaper, Archbishop Giovanni Ricchiuti, the president of the Catholic peace movement Pax Christi Italia, deplored the European Union’s $860-billion rearmament plan.
The prelate described the plan as a reversal of the EU’s founding values, “values that have always denied the usefulness of war and have favored dialogue.” He said that it “is astonishing to see that today the French and Germans are the main promoters of a dangerous military escalation.”
Archbishop Ricchiuti called on the EU to join with China and the United States in efforts to foster peace between Russia and Ukraine. He added, “In front of me I have Jesus, the meek, humble, and peaceful one, and I must bear witness to Him.”
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