Catholic World News

Catholic Campaign for Human Development touts advocacy for nonviolent youth offenders

March 11, 2025

In a new newsletter, the US bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) highlighted its support for the Florida-based Direct Action and Research Training Center (DART).

In light of “high rates of incarceration among youth in Florida for nonviolent offenses,” DART successfully advocated for alternative programs, said Alexandra Carroll, the new director (and former assistant director) of the bishops’ controversial anti-poverty program.

“With a grant from CCHD, thousands of grassroots leaders from DART affiliates in Florida were trained to build power to effectively communicate their communities’ concerns,” Carroll explained. “Many spoke to police and lawmakers about the need for diversion programs statewide to hold minors accountable for their offenses but allow them to avoid a criminal record that could deny them a second chance with future educational and work opportunities.”

Oddly, DART is not mentioned in the CCHD’s lists of its grant recipients over the past five years—raising questions of whether its grants lists are completely accurate, or whether CCHD’s support for DART was funneled through another organization.

Emphasizing the continuity in CCHD’s mission over the years, Carroll added:

CCHD has a storied history of helping communities that have been excluded and neglected to develop a voice and fight to transform unjust conditions in their midst ... I’ve seen firsthand the power of grassroots organizations and the last ing impact of CCHD’s work. These efforts continue to make CCHD one of the most impactful antipoverty programs in the United States. And as I step into this new role [of director], I’m excited to build on this tremendous legacy.

The bishops’ Subcommittee for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development awarded 141 grants totaling $7,434,000 in 2023-24. The program lost $11.4 million in 2023: CCHD had $7,284,574 in revenue and $18,696,903 in expenses in 2023, leading to an operating deficit of $11,412,329. CCHD’s net assets, which stood at nearly $8.5 million at the beginning of 2023, stood at negative $2.3 million at the end of the year. Ralph McCloud, who was named director of CCHD in 2008, resigned from his position in April 2024.


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