Catholic World News

Pope, in message, reflects on AI and abuse of minors

February 27, 2025

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office (Italian)

CWN Editor's Note: The Vatican has released a papal message, signed January 13, to a Latin American conference on AI and the sexual abuse of minors.

The conference, which is taking place February 25-27, has been organized by CEPROME, which seeks to prevent abuse in the Church in Latin America, and the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.

The Pope encouraged conference participants to reflect on how the prophet Nathan confronted King David about his sin and to apply their reflections to AI and abuse:

First, by giving voice to God and to the victims who implore Him, so that people become aware of the harm that is being caused. Second, by unmasking the lie that consists in shielding ourselves with technology to ease our conscience, asking people, the creators of these technologies and the competent authorities, to impose clear limits and rules, concretely assessable, that allow their harmful or criminal use to be prosecuted.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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