Catholic World News

Trump executive order promises support for IVF

February 19, 2025

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CWN Editor's Note: Fulfilling a campaign promise to support in vitro fertilization (IVF), President Trump on February 18 issued an executive order saying “it is the policy of my administration to ensure reliable access to IVF treatment.”

In his statement the President portrayed IVF as a pro-family option, saying that “our public policy must make it easer for loving and longing mothers and fathers to have children.” That statement will be sharply contested by critics of IVF. The Catholic Church condemns the procedure, because it separates procreation from the marital embrace and because it entails the creation of dozens of human embryos who will be frozen or discarded.

Trump, however, said that childless couples “need reliable access to IVF and more affordable treatment options,” noting that the costs of IVF treatment can reach $20,000. He promised that within 90 days his domestic-policy office would release a set of recommendations to lower that cost.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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