Pope, at general audience, reflects on Christ’s Nativity, visit of the shepherds
February 12, 2025
Continuing his series of Wednesday general audiences on “Jesus Christ our Hope,” with a focus on Christ’s infancy, Pope Francis reflected on the Nativity of Christ and the visit of the shepherds during his February 12 general audience.
“We now reflect on the humility of the Son of God, who chose to enter our human history not with resounding proclamations but in poverty and simplicity,” the Pope said to pilgrims gathered in Paul VI Audience Hall, in the words of the Vatican’s summary of his remarks. “Born in Bethlehem, a town whose name means ‘House of Bread,’ Jesus—the Bread come down from heaven to satisfy the hunger of the world (cf. Jn 6:51)—is laid in a manger because there is no room for him in the inn.”
The summary continued:
The joyful news of the Saviour’s birth is proclaimed first to the lowly shepherds. Here we see that in God’s plan, ‘it is the humble and the poor who greet the event of the Incarnation’ (Admirabile Signum, 5). Like the shepherds, may we rejoice in the marvel of God’s love, revealed in hiddenness and weakness, and confess our hope in the silent power of that love so that it may transform our lives.
Previous audiences in series, and other recent general audiences:
- 1. Genealogy of Jesus (Mt 1,1-17): The entry of the Son of God in history (December 18, 2024)
- No audiences on December 25 and January 1
- January 8 and January 15 audiences devoted to children, the “most beloved of the Father”
- Special Jubilee audience: To hope is to begin again—John the Baptist (January 11, 2025)
- 2. The Annunciation: Mary listens and is willing (cf. Lk 1:26-38) (January 22, 2025)
- 3. “You are to name Him Jesus” (Mt 1:21): The annunciation to Joseph (January 29, 2025)
- Special Jubilee audience: To hope is to turn oneself: St. Mary Magdalene (February 1, 2025)
- 4. “Blessed are you who believed” (Lk 1:45): The Visitation and the Magnificat (February 5, 2025)
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