Catholic World News

Kansas archbishop praises Trump, criticizes Biden, ‘saddened’ by Vance remarks on immigration

February 11, 2025

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CWN Editor's Note: In an archdiocesan newspaper column, “The United States needs a legal immigration process that works,” Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City (KS) praised President Donald Trump for addressing the threat to national security posed by “violent gangs, individuals with serious criminal histories, dealers of lethal illegal drugs, human traffickers.”

The prelate also criticized President Biden for lax border policies that allowed 300,000 minors to be unaccounted for. He said he was “saddened by the recent remarks of Vice President Vance accusing the Catholic Church of economically profiting from our partnership with the US government in caring for refugees and migrants. The truth is that the Church is providing services that our government has a moral responsibility to provide.”

“I would love to have the opportunity to have a conversation with President Trump and/or Vice President Vance about immigration and refugee resettlement policies,” he concluded. “I would treasure the opportunity to make the case for how generous policies for worker permits and legal immigration could be important ingredients in helping make America great again.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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