Pope, at general audience, reflects on Mary’s Visitation
February 05, 2025
Continuing his series of Wednesday general audiences on “Jesus Christ our Hope,” with a focus on Christ’s infancy, Pope Francis reflected on the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary during his February 5 general audience.
“The Virgin Mary’s faith in God’s word bore immediate fruit in charity as she set out to assist her elderly kinswoman Elizabeth,” the Pope said to pilgrims gathered in Paul VI Audience Hall, in the words of the Vatican’s summary of his remarks. “At their meeting, Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, exclaimed of Mary: “Blessed is she who believed that the Lord’s promise to her would be fulfilled” (cf. Lk 1:45).”
The summary continued:
Mary responds with a hymn—the Magnificat—praising God’s mercy, which endures “from generation to generation”, and his fidelity to the promise of salvation which he made “to Abraham and his descendents forever” (vv. 50, 55).
From Mary, may we learn to trust unfailingly in God’s word, in the redemption won for us by Jesus, and in the ultimate fulfilment of his saving plan at the end of time.
Previous audiences in series, and other recent general audiences:
- 1. Genealogy of Jesus (Mt 1,1-17): The entry of the Son of God in history (December 18, 2024)
- No audiences on December 25 and January 1
- January 8 and January 15 audiences devoted to children, the “most beloved of the Father”
- Special Jubilee audience: To hope is to begin again—John the Baptist (January 11, 2025)
- 2. The Annunciation: Mary listens and is willing (cf. Lk 1:26-38) (January 22, 2025)
- 3. “You are to name Him Jesus” (Mt 1:21): The annunciation to Joseph (January 29, 2025)
- Special Jubilee audience: To hope is to turn oneself: St. Mary Magdalene (February 1, 2025)
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