New Orleans archbishop denies demanding funds from food charity
February 04, 2025
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CWN Editor's Note: Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans has denied reports that the archdiocese sought to obtain $16 million from a local food charity in order to help pay off abuse settlements.
“There was no demand from the Archdiocese of New Orleans for a $16 million contribution to the settlement,” the archbishop said. In fact, he added, “there is not settlement.”
Archbishop Aymond explained that the archdiocese had been in talks with the Second Harvest Food Bank, exploring the possibility that the charity would separate from the archdiocese and operate independently. The $16 million figure was mentioned in the context of those talks, he said.
“Not a single dollar from donor donations has ever been used” for purposes other than the charitable mission of Second Harvest, the archbishop assured his people.
Archbishop Aymond said that the decision to dismiss board members of Second Harvest was made because of a breakdown in talks about making the charity independent of the archdiocese.
The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.
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