Catholic World News

Papal appeal for peace, protection of Yanomami people’s rights

October 22, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: During his October 20 Angelus address, delivered at the conclusion of the Mass of canonization of 14 saints, Pope Francis appealed for peace and for respect for South America’s Yanomami people. (A miraculous healing of a Yanomami man led to the canonization of one of the saints, St. Giuseppe Allamano.)

The Pontiff said:

May the witness of Saint Giuseppe Allamano remind us of the necessary attention towards the most fragile and vulnerable populations. I think in particular of the Yanomami people, in the Brazilian Amazonian forest, among whose members the miracle linked to today’s canonization occurred. I appeal to the political and civil authorities to ensure the protection of these peoples and their fundamental rights, and to counter any form of exploitation of their dignity and their territories.

“And let us continue to pray for the populations who are suffering as a result of war – tormented Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, tormented Ukraine, Sudan, Myanmar and all the others – and let us invoke the gift of peace for all,” the Pope added.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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