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Synod, October 12: participants pray for migrants on synod’s least transparent day

October 15, 2024

On October 12, participants in the second and final session of the synod on synodality gathered in Paul VI Audience Hall to continue their consideration of the session’s third module, “Pathways” (synod agenda).

“Pathways” is the title of the second part of the session’s instrumentum laboris, or working document (pp. 23-34); it has four sections:

  • An integral and shared formation
  • Ecclesial discernment for mission
  • Decision-making processes
  • Transparency, accountability, and evaluation

With the exception of the texts of the spiritual assistants and leading synod officials, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, led by Cardinal Mario Grech, has imposed tight secrecy on synod participants (Regulations, Article 24), binding them to confidentiality, even with respect to their own contributions, and even after the session concludes. The regulations stand in marked contrast to the relative transparency of the Synod of Bishops under St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, during which the Vatican routinely published the synod fathers’ interventions (speeches).

The lack of transparency was stark on October 12. Vatican News, the agency of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communication, did not publish reports on the synod on October 12, whether in English or Italian, even though the synod was in session. The daily press briefing typically offers an impressionistic, if filtered, view of the synod proceedings—but unlike the previous Saturday, the synod’s Commission for Information held no press conference on October 12, even though the synod was in session.

The Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, offered the following coverage:

After the singing of introductory songs in Italian and English, which preceded the reading of today’s Gospel (Lk 11:27-28), the session opened with two prayers recited in French and Spanish, which touched on the drama of migrants who cross borders, in particular those of the United States of America and Canada, to seek a new life for themselves and their families, as well as those who are victims of all sorts of abuse. Finally, the Pontiff’s prayer was introduced by another song sung in English.

The work then continued with free interventions according to the established agenda.

On October 12, then, the Vatican informed the faithful that speeches were delivered—but offered no information about what was said.

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