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Trump victory will lead to ‘authoritarian remake’ of United States, Vatican newspaper’s ‘expert analysis’ warns

October 07, 2024

A victory by Donald Trump will lead to an “authoritarian remake” (rifacimento autoritario) of the United States, according to an expert analysis of the US presidential election published by the Vatican newspaper.

In an article entitled “The November presidential elections in the United States, marked by polarization: the analysis of the expert Federico Romero: two opposing visions in the contest between Harris and Trump,” Matteo Frascadore, a journalist at L’Osservatore Romano, quoted extensively from Romero, described in the article as professor of North American history at the University of Florence in Italy.

“Polarization has increased to the point of delineating two different nations with very little in common,” said Romero. “There are no possible solutions on the horizon unless the electoral cycle ends with the election of a president who does not further polarize.”

Romero added:

With Trump, this forced polarization would continue, transforming it into the domination of one America over the other. With Harris, there would be attempts to reduce it, as Biden did. The latter’s failure, however, explains the fact that there is not much room to recover a form of unity both at the political level and in the social and cultural self-perception of the country ...

It is a unique election because it is quite clear that, if Trump wins, his political project would be an authoritarian remake of the State and the expulsion of the other part of the United States from the federal and state governments, as already done with the Supreme Court. It would be an unprecedented twisting of democracy.

The editors of the Vatican newspaper placed the October 4 analysis in its international news section, rather than in its commentary or interview sections.


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  • Posted by: nantista9155 - Oct. 07, 2024 5:12 PM ET USA

    So hard to restrict comment to language suitable for a Catholic forum. This guy has it completely backwards regarding "attempts to reduce (polarization)" and "authoritarian remake of the State". Publication of such views in the official Vatican newspaper serves Satan and gives justification to anti-Catholic fear of Vatican election interference. Why don't they comment instead on Xi's religious freedom record? God cleanse the Holy See and give us a shepherd through whom we can hear your voice!

  • Posted by: DrJazz - Oct. 07, 2024 2:06 PM ET USA

    Mr. Romero is ignorant. There has been no "expulsion" from the Supreme Court. No judge was expelled from it. He is correct about one thing, though: There is a polarization in America. Trump is at one pole, and Harris is at the other. The polarization is not "forced," however, but chosen by American citizens. Romero is incorrect about election results, too: Harris will no more unify the country than Trump will. If Romero wants to help the cause of unity, he could start by telling the truth.

  • Posted by: navynurseprac9347 - Oct. 07, 2024 10:12 AM ET USA

    So sick of all the liberal views coming out of the Vatican! Tired of this pope!