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‘Catholics for Harris-Walz’ downplay abortion issue, praise Biden legacy

September 20, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: An organizing call by ‘Catholics for Harris-Walz’ on September 18 featured speakers who underlined the connection between Vice-president Harris and President Biden, and minimized the importance of the abortion issue.

Joe Donnelly, who was named by Biden as US ambassador to the Holy See, told an online audience about the “special friendship” that he reported Biden had developed with the Pontiff. He said that “Harris acts in the same exact way.”

Sister Simone Campbell of the Sisters of Social Justice also lauded Biden’s “consistent faith.” She expressed frustration that callers were asking questions about abortion. “It drives me nuts,” she exclaimed, adding: “The fact is, our faith does not require the outlawing of abortions.” She argued that Catholics should “trust each individual to have a well-formed conscience for making decisions.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: feedback - Today 12:53 PM ET USA

    The pro abortion crowd frequently call pro-life citizens "single-issue voters." When I hear that I ask, are 70 million babies slaughtered in abortions since Roe just a "single issue" to you?