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Renewed papal call for peace, release of Israeli hostages

September 16, 2024

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis has renewed his call for peace and for the release of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas nearly a year ago.

“Let us not forget the wars that are causing bloodshed in the world,” the Pope said on September 15. “I think of tormented Ukraine, Myanmar, I think of the Middle East.”

He continued:

I think of the mothers who have lost their sons in war. How many young lives cut short! I think of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, found dead in September, along with five other hostages in Gaza. In November last year, I met his mother, Rachel, who impressed me with her humanity. I accompany her in this moment.

May the conflict in Palestine and Israel cease! May the violence cease! May hatred cease! Let the hostages be released, let the negotiations continue, and let peaceful solutions be found!

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Sep. 16, 2024 4:14 PM ET USA

    Pope Francis did not specify only Israeli hostages taken by Hamas nearly a year ago. He said: "Let the hostages be released". Israel has hundreds of times more Palestinian hostages from Gaza, the West Bank of the Jordan River, and East Jerusalem than Hamas has Israeli hostages. Let the hostages be released, let the negotiations BEGIN, stop murdering the negotiators, seek after the peace of Christ which exceeds any negotiated "settlement".