Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic World News

Pope arrives in Papua New Guinea

September 06, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis arrived in Papua New Guinea in the early evening of September 6 (local time), beginning the second stop of his 12-day foreign voyage.

The Pontiff was greeted by Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso at the airport of Port Moseby, the nation’s capital. He will remain there for three days—making a side trip to Vanimo—before continuing on to East Timor.

Papua New Guinea has a substantial Catholic population: about 30% of the country’s 8.2 million people. The nation was last visited by a Roman Pontiff in 1995, when Pope John Paul II presided at the beatification of Peter To Rot, who died a martyr during World War II.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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