Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic World News

Papal message on liturgy emphasizes chorality, hymns, silence, ministeriality

August 28, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis has sent a message, signed by his Secretary of State, to the Church in Italy’s 74th National Liturgical Week.

The papal message emphasized four themes: chorality, hymns, silence, and liturgical ministeriality.

“The first commitment which is required of us is to rediscover the choral nature of liturgical prayer, through which, uniting ourselves to the mother tongue of the Church, we become one body and one voice,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin wrote. “The beauty of the truth of Christian prayer resides precisely in this interweaving of voices, which we might justly call chorality.”

He added:

One of the most important moments in which we can have this experience is the Liturgy of the Hours, which still deserves commitment in order effectively to become the prayer of the people of God. May our communities return to raising in chorus the prayer of the Psalms, and learn to live, in the liturgy and in life, the value of unity and communion.

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