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‘Hiddenness, fatherliness, and attention to the least’: Pope encourages Oblates of St. Joseph

August 27, 2024

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis received participants in the general chapter of the Oblates of St. Joseph on August 26 and encouraged them to imitate the ‘hiddenness, fatherliness, and attention to the least” of the foster-father of Jesus.

The Pope encouraged the Oblates to remain close to the Lord through “participation in the Sacraments, listening and meditation of the Word of God, Eucharistic adoration, both personal and community.” Silent adoration, the Pope continued, “is how, first of all, St. Joseph responded to the immense gift of having the very Son of God made man in his home.”

The Pope also said that St. Joseph Marello, the Italian bishop who founded the Oblates in 1878, reserved “in his heart as a pastor a very special place for the most problematic young people, for the ‘poor youth,’ as he loved to say, and this is what the Lord calls us to do today, too.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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