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On Assumption, Pope entrusts war-torn countries to Mary’s care

August 16, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: At the conclusion of his Angelus address on August 15, Pope Francis said, “To Mary Queen of Peace, whom we contemplate today in the glory of Paradise, I would like once again to entrust the anxiety and sorrow of people in so many parts of the world who suffer from social tensions and wars.”

“I am thinking in particular of martyred Ukraine, the Middle East, Palestine, Israel, Sudan and Myanmar,” he continued. “May our heavenly Mother obtain for all consolation and a future of serenity and harmony!”

The Pontiff then renewed his appeal for peace in Gaza:

I continue to follow with concern the very serious humanitarian situation in Gaza, and I call once again for a ceasefire on all fronts, for the release of hostages, and for aid to the exhausted population. I encourage everyone to make every effort to ensure that the conflict does not escalate and to pursue paths of negotiation so that this tragedy ends soon! Let us not forget: war is a defeat.

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