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Pontiff has special opportunity to shape Brazilian hierarchy in 2025

August 14, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Three cardinal archbishops in Brazil will turn 75 in 2025 and thus submit their resignations, The Pillar notes. A fourth metropolitan archbishop will also turn 75 in 2025, and a fifth is already 78.

The five potential appointments to metropolitan archdioceses will allow Pope Francis a special opportunity to shape the hierarchy in the nation with the most Catholics.

The three cardinals are

  • Cardinal Odilo Scherer of São Paulo, appointed to his see by Pope Benedict in 2007 and named a cardinal the following year
  • Cardinal Orani João Tempesta, O Cist, of Rio de Janeiro, appointed to his see by Pope Benedict in 2009 and named a cardinal by Pope Francis in 2014
  • Cardinal Leonardo Ulrich Steiner, OFM, of Manaus, appointed to his see in 2019 and named a cardinal in 2022

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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