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In interview, Pope expresses desire to visit China

August 12, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis said in an interview that he wishes to visit China and pray at Sheshan Basilica, the nation’s preeminent Marian shrine.

The Pontiff told Father Pedro Chia, SJ, director of communications for the Chinese Jesuit province, that Chinese Catholics are “indeed a faithful people who have gone through so much and remained faithful.”

Asked about criticism, the Pope said, “Critics are always helpful. Even if they are not constructive, they are always helpful, because they make one reflect on one’s actions, right?” When asked what advice he would give to a young man who was considering entering the Jesuits, the Pope—himself a Jesuit—joked, “Let him become a Dominican,” before adding, “I would tell him to allow somebody to accompany him, and to enter into discernment.”

Father Chia’s interview with the Pope was recorded on May 24 and released on August 9.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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