Catholic Culture Solidarity
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Catholic World News

Love shares, and material things do not fulfill us: papal Sunday Angelus address

August 05, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Reflecting on the Gospel reading of the day (John 6:24-35), Pope Francis told pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for his August 4 Angelus address that “material things do not give fullness to life.”

“They help us go forward and are important, but they do not fulfill our lives,” the Pope continued. Only love can do that. And for this to happen, the path to take is that of charity which keeps nothing for itself, but shares everything. Love shares everything.”

The Pope added, “Let us ask ourselves, then: what kind of relationship do I have with material things? Am I a slave to them, or do I use them freely as instruments to give and receive love? Am I able to say ‘thank you’ to God and my brothers and sisters for the gifts I have received. And do I know how to share them with others?”

“May Mary, who gave Jesus her whole life, teach us to make everything an instrument of love,” Pope Francis concluded.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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