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Catholic World News

‘Only if we learn how to rest can we have compassion,’ Pope tells pilgrims

July 22, 2024

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: Jesus invited the apostles to rest and had compassion on the crowd, Pope Francis said as he reflected on the Gospel reading of the day (Mark 6:30-64) during his July 21 Sunday Angelus address.

“And so, from the Gospel, we learn that these two realities—resting and being compassionate—are linked: only if we learn how to rest can we have compassion,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “Indeed, it is only possible to have a compassionate gaze, which knows how to respond to the needs of others, if our heart is not consumed by the anxiety of doing, if we know how to stop and how to receive the grace of God, in the silence of adoration.”

The Pope continued, “Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, we can ask ourselves: am I able to stop during my days? Am I capable of taking a moment to be with myself and with the Lord, or am I always in a hurry, in a constant hurry for the things to do? Can we find some kind of an ‘inner desert’ amidst the noise and activities of each day?”

“May the Holy Virgin help us to ‘rest in the Spirit’ even in the midst of all daily activities, and to be available to and compassionate towards others,” the Pope concluded.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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