Catholic Culture News
Catholic Culture News
Catholic World News

Pope, at general audience, decries ‘social scourge’ of drug addiction

June 26, 2024

Departing from his series of Wednesday audiences on the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis devoted his June 26 audience to drug abuse and trafficking.

The United Nations commemorates June 26 as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

“Today we celebrate the World Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which this year concentrates on the need to ‘Invest in Prevention,’“ the Pope stated, according to the Vatican’s summary of his remarks. “Drug addiction is a social scourge, devastating not only to the human dignity of the persons involved, but also to the welfare of society as a whole.”

The summary continued:

Along with combating the illegal drug trade and the evils it spawns, greater efforts are needed to prevent drug abuse and to offer support and assistance to its victims.

Today we pay tribute to the efforts of all those individuals and groups who, often inspired by the Gospel, bring healing to those enslaved by substance abuse, establish networks and programs of recovery, and promote legislative initiatives to check the spread of drug use, especially among the young. As individuals and as a Church, let us offer them the support of our prayers and encourage them in their work.

During the address, the Pontiff spoke out strongly against drug traffickers and legalization.

“We cannot ignore the evil intentions and actions of drug dealers and traffickers,” he said. “They are murderers.”

“A reduction in drug addiction is not achieved by liberalizing drug use—this is a fantasy!—as has been proposed by some, or has already implemented, in some countries,” he added. “It’s like this: you liberalize and drugs are consumed even more. Having known so many tragic stories of drug addicts and their families, I am convinced that it is a moral duty to end the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances.”


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