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Catholic World News

FBI deleted records on anti-Catholic memo, senators charge

February 02, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: In a letter to the FBI director, 15 senators charged that the FBI deleted records related to the memo from the FBI’s Richmond office that warned against “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology.”

The lawmakers said that they recently “learned that the FBI permanently deleted critical records related to the memo, and one of the authors of the Richmond memo prepared a second, external report in coordination with headquarters that was intended to be circulated outside the Richmond office to the full FBI.”

“The FBI must provide an immediate explanation for its order to delete records related to this incident, which not only obstructs congressional oversight, but also means the FBI’s internal review itself did not have access to documents that may have provided critical information on the incident,” the senators continued. “The FBI must also explain why it withheld this information from the Senate, despite repeated requests for records.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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