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Vatican allows blessings for same-sex couples outside liturgy

December 18, 2023

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has issued a new document opening “the possibility of blessings for couples in irregular situations and for couples of the same sex, the form of which should not be fixed ritually by ecclesial authorities to avoid producing confusion with the blessing proper to the Sacrament of Marriage.”

In a document entitled Fiducia Supplicans, issued on December 18 with the approval of Pope Francis, the DDF encourages pastors to give blessings to those who seek them, while insisting that the form of the blessing should not suggest the approval of the Church for the irregular union.

In an introduction, Cardinal Victor Fernandez, the prefect of the DDF, asserts that “this declaration remains firm on the traditional doctrine of the Church about marriage, not allowing any type of liturgical rite or blessing similar to a liturgical rite that can create confusion.” A blessing conferred on a couple in an irregular union should take place “outside the liturgical framework, the document states. Moreover “this blessing should never be imparted in concurrence with the ceremonies of a civil union, and not even in connection with them. Nor can it be performed with any clothing, gestures, or words that are proper to a wedding.”

While initial news reports on the Vatican document in the secular media preserved the distinction that the DDF sought to make in Fiducia Supplicans, that distinction will undoubtedly be challenged as same-sex couples press their pastors for blessings in church services. And the Vatican document itself puts some pressure on pastors to accommodate such requests, saying that the Church “must shy away from resting its pastoral praxis on the fixed nature of certain doctrinal or disciplinary schemes.”

Fiducia Supplicans recommends that the blessings for same-sex couples or others living in irregular unions should not take a fixed form, “to avoid producing confusion with the blessing proper to the Sacrament of Marriage.” Instead the DDF suggests a “spontaneous” blessing in which the priests “could ask that the individuals have peace, health, a spirit of patience, dialogue, and mutual assistance—but also God’s light and strength to be able to fulfill his will completely.”

Cardinal Fernandez describes the new document as “a broadening and enrichment of the classical understanding of blessings.” The Church has always offered blessings for many different occasions, the document notes:

People who come spontaneously to ask for a blessing show by this request their sincere openness to transcendence, the confidence of their hearts that they do not trust in their own strength alone, their need for God, and their desire to break out of the narrow confines of this world, enclosed in its limitations.

However, the DDF cautions: “From a strictly liturgical point of view, a blessing requires that what is blessed be conformed to God’s will, as expressed in the teachings of the Church.” Therefore “the Church does not have the power to confer its liturgical blessing when that would somehow offer a form of moral legitimacy to a union that presumes to be a marriage or to an extra-marital sexual practice.”

Fiducia Supplicans is described by Cardinal Fernandez as an elaboration on the reply the Pope Francis gave to two cardinals who had sought clarification on the possibility of offering blessings to same-sex unions. However the cardinal discloses that the DDF had already been working on the question, and the Pontiff’s response “provided important clarifications” that guided the dicastery in drafting the declaration.


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  • Posted by: jalsardl5053 - Dec. 19, 2023 9:54 PM ET USA

    Bring it on! The USCCB's statement is short and clear (unlike someone else). If the Pope thinks that this is a way to "be open", then he challenges all of us, especially pastors, to hold to the truth; he challenges each of us not to be scandalized by his actions. So bring it on! We'll take up that challenge with prayers for priests and pastors and our bretheren.

  • Posted by: Ratzinger64 - Dec. 18, 2023 11:46 PM ET USA

    As a way to deal with this document from the DDF, I suggest everyone read Chapter One, "Costly Grace," of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP. Bonhoeffer famously was a Lutheran Pastor martyred by the Nazis. Bonhoeffer begins this chapter by denouncing "cheap grace," which, IMO, is what the DDF document is offering.

  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Dec. 18, 2023 10:09 PM ET USA

    "...the Church “must shy away from resting its pastoral praxis on the fixed nature of certain doctrinal or disciplinary schemes." Finally blessed clarity. As long as the praxis is pastoral, all manner of sin and violation of defined dogmas is allowed, no, urged. Just another assertion of Amoris Laetitia (AL) 297 that a Catholic can sin like the devil without eternal consequences, and AL 303 that attributes to God the works of Satan and denies that grace can overcome habitual temptation to evil.

  • Posted by: tjbenjamin - Dec. 18, 2023 7:21 PM ET USA

    We the Church are under assault. We need clarity and support from our shepherds. I’m so tired of the moral ambiguities coming from the Vatican, and of trying to explain to family and friends what the Pope “really meant.” Also disturbing and discouraging is the fact that nearly all of my Catholic friends and relatives are on board with same-sex marriage and think I’m unkind, unreasonable, and a bigot. It’s no mystery to me why they think this.

  • Posted by: BCLX - Dec. 18, 2023 6:41 PM ET USA

    This is NUTS. It will add to the confusion and consternation surrounding this very difficult topic.

  • Posted by: Lucius49 - Dec. 18, 2023 4:26 PM ET USA

    A recent comment:"an ambiguous document with profiles of heterodoxy? Yes ambiguous via verbal squid ink dancing with heresy. Blessing same-sex couples requires asking what are they asking the blessing for? To live chastely? To follow the teachings of the Church? The Pope/Cardinal Fernandez have no power to allow a blessing of sodomy and other impure acts or to overrule Scripture and the Commandments. To do so would be blasphemy and heretical action mocking God. God will not be mocked.

  • Posted by: Ratzinger64 - Dec. 18, 2023 11:25 AM ET USA

    The DDF dances feverously on the head of a pin, while the Roman Church burns. "[M]oral legitimacy," not what the DDF says, is precisely what people who will seek such "blessings" are pursuing, and IMO the DDF very well knows this.

  • Posted by: feedback - Dec. 18, 2023 11:24 AM ET USA

    This is direct betrayal of Jesus Christ and of the Catholic Faith. It's a schism from the top down.