Catholic World News

Brazilian prelate corrects record, opposes abortion in controversial case

April 16, 2010

A Brazilian archbishop has said that he was the victim of slanted reporting in newspaper stories that portrayed him as defending an abortion performed on a 9-year-old girl. Archbishop Fernando Saburido of Olinde and Recife emphasized that he fully supports the Church teaching "which defends life and does not admit, in any hypothesis, that it be eliminated." The archbishop had been quoted as saying that the young girl's parents were free to do as they saw fit in the controversial case that arose last year.


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  • Posted by: extremeCatholic - Apr. 17, 2010 1:02 PM ET USA

    The archbishop's clarification does not include a flat denial that he did not make the statements attributed to him. Abortion is not merely "anti-Christian", it is the murder of an innocent human life, and he did not address at all the matter of being "free" to commit mortal sin.